OK, the Defcon video from the Z-100 morning show is now up!

Well, a bit of late notice, but it is what it is. Just got notification that Defcon Sauces will be on Z-100 (100.3fm in Manhatten) during the Morning Zoo. Not sure what the fm call letters/numbers are beyond the tri-state area, but if you are within earshot, you might want to take a listen. The Z Morning Zoo has been around for a long time, it's pretty funny, and the fact they will be tasting our stuff on air tomorrow, Friday, 2/1, is very cool. The best part is, they specifically requested the Zero, which ALWAYS pumps the fun up! It'll broadcast tomorrow morning between 8-10am. They wanted us in the studio, but alas, Myself and Maggie can't make the show, as we both work, but we're looking forward to the tasting. Who knows, maybe they'll give me a "call-in". Tune in!
OK, having a bit of trouble linking the audio file of our latest taping with Z-100 (almost 20 minutes on the Manhatten-based morning show)...However, here is the link when Greg T ingests our infamous Zero. We will have the WHOLE show (albeit audio only) available shortly, but for your sordid pleasure, I offer this lovely little clip. I have already enjoyed what you shall enjoy, and may you sleep better knowing this human had a worse day than you. :)
