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Okay I need help :/

I've searched the forum on indoor growing several times....I've even went to Home Depot but no one there seems to know anything about growing indoors

I have my pots,soil,seed starting heating mat

But I don't know what kind of lights I need to grow indoors....Or how much to expect to spend on them either :(

If anyone can help me out that'd be wonderful.

PS - Sorry for making ALMOST the same topic a couple times in the last month or so :(
PS 2 - Also wondering if it'd be a good idea to buy Jalapeno,Sweet Banana,Cayenne,Giant Jalapeno plants from Home Depot and grow them indoors once I figure out the light problem.
yea home depot people most likely wont know, hit up your local hydro shop, in the mean time check this link out


so much good info.
Thanks a bunch! :) That cleared up alot of my questions :) Now I just gotta find WHERE in my apartment would be the best room to grow lol :P Maybe underneath my kitchen table? :P lol
How much did the T8's cost?

I have alot of Superhot seeds ready I justt need this light setup confusion out of the way :(
well i got a 4 foot long by 2 foot light at lowes for 35 bucks. sad thing is, is that i had to wire it myself took me about 90 minutes 2 wire 3 lucky i had the wire and all. the light i got sunshine lights try to get a very high lumens output 6500 would be awesome! i only have 5000 mixed with 4100 lumens i had 2 sunshine and 2 cool blue. in all its about 50 bucks for a nice light. but try to get a T5 if possible even better!
Not to sound stupid but do I need two different types of light to start them?

I heard I need Blue/White and then red when they start to flower...How do I know what lights cover this?...Is there a type of light that covers both spectrums so I dont have to switch?

I am reading this on a site

"If you are using fluorescent grow lights, then you can easily swap out your growing bulb or tube from the white/blue type to the red spectrum type economically using the same grow light fixture. LED growing fixtures also are available with blue and red LEDs, or a mixture of both types to create a more all round light for growing plants."

Is this true? Can I use both types of lighting throughout the plants life?
Growing indoors is very rewarding, but takes quit a bit of planning to do it correctly and safely to avoid burning down your house. Although you can grow huge plants in soil with a single light you will increase your yield substantially if you employ some type of hydro into the mix.

I would start off the plants in a 400 watt MH setup and move over to a 1000 HPS when they start fruiting.

I found to get maximum yield for a large Pepper plant you need at least 30k LUX.

LUX = Total Lumens ÷ Area in Square Meters.

I'm my previous grow room I had an Eye Hortilux 400 HPS (LU400S/HTL/EN) that put out 55,000 lumens so at 45 square feet i'm getting a LUX of 13,157.89 to my plants as they are growing. Once ready the 1000 watt HPS LU1000B/HTL/EN that puts out 145,000 lumens is going to give me 34,689 LUX.

The key is both the bulbs listed above are full spectrum bulbs that covers a wide range of light and more importantly provides PAR light specific to fruiting peppers.

You also want to make sure your humidity is around 60% to avoid pollen drop.

You can also consider things like c02 injection, foliar feeding, to increase the yield, but if your not doing hydro I would stray against it.

Good luck!
They are pretty cheap as well at my local home depot :) So I think I decided on the lights I'll need

Now I just need to make myself a little greenhouse
I have a greenhouse if you need help with plans ill help you! i paid 400 for mine and its
12'x24' the plastic was 200 i have enough to last me 12 years and it can be heated for an extra 200 bucks!
Yes...I cannot grow outside.I live in an apartment and I am sure i'd need one for the pollination process right? Or do I not need one?
or a tooth brush. anything will work. SO a greenhouse is unnecessary. if you want to keep them isolated, maybe make small closed off greenhouses for like 5 bucks or less a piece!