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review Ol' Man Stillmanz Mango, Paw Paw & Habanero Hot Sauce Review


This is goijng to be very exciting knowing what Inferno taste like...I am looking forward to tasting Ol'Man Stillmanz Mango, Paw Paw & Habanero Hot Sauce.

Taste set up as usual...fresh sliced tomato, a can of vienna sausage, some ritz crackers...and of course the hot sauce...

This sauce has dynamite taste...very smooth, sweet, but not too sweet...not as hot as Inferno but a good burn lingering on my lips, and the front to middle portions of my palate and tongue. Truly a wonderful sauce that would be great with a cooked ham.....or just baste the ham with it while you are cooking...

I have never tasted Paw Paws before and if the additional sweet taste I am experiencing here is what that is......I love it...

Its going to get expensive ordering these sauces....Stillz....we need to talk......
..... care packages all over the planet.
We OZ sauce guys have to get our selves a slow boat or private jet.... I need to talk to Russel Crow you never know were that mans gonna throw his cash lol.

Sweetness could be the paw paw ( papaya to you guys not the red just the common yellow/ orange that grows in Queensland.)
you should try growing them they come up in our compost like tomatoes but some require male and female (there are some hybrids that self pollinate).

I'm really glad you like it all, the postage issue is a real pain for us down here really limits our potential market but thems the breaks.

Thanks again for the great review.

I just cracked a bottle of stillmanz mango, paw paw & hab sause the other day and it is 1/2 gone.

I can't put it all as well as AlabamaJack so i will just say:

IT ROCKS!!! :)
Glad you boyslike it. Did you get a lash at the Inferno too?
I had the Devils tongue jerk sauce on a lamb roast tonight... this batch is real angry hot a bit to hot for me actually. how are you going with it?( I know you and tonygot a bottle each)
the smell of the devils tongue is so strong when you open the bottle...it makes me nervious lol
Mate i recon they are both great! I smeared the inferno on a tuna sandwhich today for work and loved it.

I dont think the JErk sauce is too hot. I have been dumping it on bits of cold roast pork like tomatoe sauce on a pie.

Love it.

They arent quite as hot as my fruit sauce... .close with the jerk sauce, but not as hot. But its mellowing with age now. you can taste the fruit over the orange habs now !

I find the fruit based sauces takes about 3 weeks for all the natural sugars etc to settle down . (like homebrew)

you watch out for the jerk it bites twice... almost crippled my brother one morning after a big dinner with it lol.
great on pork but isn't.
Hey that jerk sauce of yours stillmanz is delicious, so strong in smell is the aroma of fatalii when you crack the bottle open, & the blast of the flavour of the Devils Tongue is awesome, I had some more tonight on my roast chicken which it goes really good with too. Ive even found myself having tiny little cravings of the smell during the day! Sorry I havent gotten around to doing a proper review of it yet mate:oops:
the jerk...Stillmanz jerk sauce, dont get me started. The blend of heat & citrus & flavour as it just spikes all of the relevant taste buds. I eat fish at least once a week & I have to drag the bottle out.
I've gone through half, I'll keep the rest, I promise, for a proper chicken jerking {maybe with a few king prawns} in a couple of weeks when its matured. And yes, do a review, but man that stuff is magic.
Well done.
Looks like it may be time for another order from down under....the taste of the sauces is worth the postage to me....
stillmanz said:
Sweetness could be the paw paw ( papaya to you guys not the red just the common yellow/ orange that grows in Queensland.)

That's good to know, because there is a local pawpaw that I'm trying to get started in the bog below my mother's house.


We want it mostly as the larval host for zebra swallowtails, but the fruit is a nice bonus.
Quoted from Stillmanz..."Sweetness could be the paw paw ( papaya to you guys not the red just the common yellow/ orange that grows in Queensland.)"

Pam, is this the same Paw Paw?....I remember Mr. GreenJeans singing "Way down yonder in the Paw Paw patch" on Captain Kangaroo years ago...
AlabamaJack said:
Quoted from Stillmanz..."Sweetness could be the paw paw ( papaya to you guys not the red just the common yellow/ orange that grows in Queensland.)"

Pam, is this the same Paw Paw?....I remember Mr. GreenJeans singing "Way down yonder in the Paw Paw patch" on Captain Kangaroo years ago...
Years ago.. you'll get a slap for that.
hope i don't get slapped for me saying years ago since I was referring to me....

I haven't tried the inferno yet. tony didn't offer me any when i picked up the jerk and mango. (bloody brothers)......

It must be great stuff cause he usually shares. hehe.
Piss off.... you ate a finger full and stood there wagging your tongue. Thats when we went and got into the keg.

Bloody brothers alright...... cant trust them to remember your good will!

Now, now boys....lets not fight.......roflmao
I'm really not surprised. Inferno could start feuds, break-up families & stave off military coups. But stash it away for personal use don't share it...it's too good :D
It's just lucky i'm a great brother and i can forgive you for making me forget that i tasted the inferno....hehe

I probably forgot cause the currently kegged beer is sssoooooooo good..

There!!!!! that should make up for it......