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Ol Man Stillmanz plants and pods

We're deep in Summer in Australia and things are starting to really come on.
So heres some pics

The biggest 7 pot plant

Some pics of 7 pot pods


the habanero bed
Ive been playing around with some cocco too its going well
just fatalii, scorpions and nagas

Some Devils tongue pods

and my sand experiment
just nagas and devils tongues there

Some nice sand experiment naga pods
The weathers been hot and muggy so the plants have loved it, although I have had a fair shair of pod drop and blossom end rot, I'm still getting heap and heaps of good size, good quality pods, and the heat has been right up there. The boys who got the Irukanji sting 7 pot sauce will know what I mean when they try it. lol
Plants looking great Mick! Some cool experiments you have going with different growing mediums. How do you compare the heat of your 7 Pot to the Nagas and/or Bhuts? I can cut up a naga and eat it with my food but I wouldn't dare do that with a 7. Thanks and nice pics.
I find the 7s seem to be more intense and then drop off quicker then the naga.... they kinda give me a numb sort of (heat) burnt tongue its hard to explain.
I can tell you definately that the 7s and this sauce I am making will burn your skin, I spilt some on my shirt at work when I was making it and dabbed it with a chux to clean it off and then came up with a nasty welt like burn/irratation.
I think the plants really like our climate too they are very big plants and have lots of flowers and pods always.
Great looking plants Mick...only another 6 months for us up north
I had some blossom end rot on my tomatoes last year. I ground up a few Tums/Rolaids and mixed them in with water. Used that in a spray bottle to mist the plants and poured it directly into the pots. No more blossom end rot.

I'd be very happy with my nagas if they grow half as well as yours Mick. Looking great!
patrick said:
I had some blossom end rot on my tomatoes last year. I ground up a few Tums/Rolaids and mixed them in with water. Used that in a spray bottle to mist the plants and poured it directly into the pots. No more blossom end rot.

Foliage applications of calcium for Blossom End Rot are pretty much a waste of calcium. It usually clears up on its own with out any intervention on the part of the gardener. The best thing to do is make sure there is plenty of available calcium in the soil *before* you plant and avoid high nitrogen fertilizers.
I'm soooo gonna drop by one night & raid yr yard :D

Good water supply must help a lot, what am I 20 kms away & everythings struggling in the 80+ humidity. Looks very bug free too - is that just neem?
plants look nice n' healthy, pods look great too!
you might want to hold the camera back a little farther for some of those shots :P
lol yeh just still learning to play with this camera ch
just neem as far as bug deterrent, here.
I had an out break of some sort of fungus in one of the shade houses so didn't put those pics up lol
it never all perfect.
but they are loving this bit of rain right now and so am I, its been so hot.

I hope you guys on the bottom of the planet are enjoying your weather. WE are in the middle of one of those freak storms, one after the other. A few inches of snow, some sleet, followed by freezing rain, followed by a bunch more snow. Business owners who don't give a crap about shoveling the ice off their sidewalk so someone can get to their door. A shortage of salt so the roads don't get treated. And this crap is suppose to last through Sunday.

Send your heat and humidity to Ohio!

wordwiz said:
Send your heat and humidity to Ohio!

...by way of South Carolina!

Oh hush, we're having a cold winter, too.

*in a low voice*

You know, by our standards.