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Old Stillmanz 3 Punch

*Copy and pasted from The Hot Zone Online*

Yep folk’s, yet another one by Aussi sauce sensation, Old Stillmanz. This one is a heck of a lot thicker than his Texas Pequin sauce and once again I’m sparing you from a shot of a bottle with writing on it (no label).

Old Stillmanz 3 Punch Ingredients: Fatalii, Orange Habanero, Asian Thai Birds Eye, salt, mango, apple cider vinegar.

Wooooohie! There’s that apple cider vinegar sweetness again. The only problem is it’s just a little too much when paired with the rest of the ingredients. The fruity taste of the Habaneros and the actual fruit of the Mango causes this sauce to be very sweet as it is but the apple cider vinegar makes it just a bit too sweet. Possibly a combination of red wine vinegar and regular vinegar would have been a better choice.

Coming in second is the sweet, sweet flavor of my favorite fruit, Richard Simmons….I mean, Mango. I still have yet to find a dish that Mango doesn’t improve. Following the Mango is the 3 punch of peppers; the citrus flavor of the Fatalii, than the fruitiness of the Orange Habanero with the bite of the Thai Birdseye coming in last. It’s a really nice combo and works well on the palette.

Always a plus is the fact that I can’t taste the salt….I despise salt. I would classify the heat rating on this as “Hot”. It takes a little bit of time for the heat to fully ramp up and I found myself sweating a little bit too, which doesn’t happen often. The combo of the peppers pings different heat receptors all over your tongue and you’re left with a side of the tongue burn from the Birdseye peppers. Once again a excellent sauce from Down Under.

Taste: 7.3, Heat: 8
I gotz a bottle, I gotz a bottle! Passow, Ol' Man Stillmanz, not Old Stillmanz ;)
I thought he was just messing with me so I didn't point it out..lol

theres quite a few of those 3 punches floating around...
it was made as a wing sauce for a comp I am trying to get started over here.
I don't really blend chilli varieties in sauces that much but the combo of fatalii orange habs and asian birdseyes seems to go well like IGG says an all over burn.


stillmanz said:
I thought he was just messing with me so I didn't point it out..lol

theres quite a few of those 3 punches floating around...
it was made as a wing sauce for a comp I am trying to get started over here.
I don't really blend chilli varieties in sauces that much but the combo of fatalii orange habs and asian birdseyes seems to go well like IGG says an all over burn.


I haven't tried it yet, I'll post some feedback soon :)
thehotpepper.com said:
I gotz a bottle, I gotz a bottle! Passow, Ol' Man Stillmanz, not Old Stillmanz ;)
D'oH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 I'll have to mention that in my next article. That's what you get when you don't put a lable on the bottle, hehe. Sorry.

stillmanz said:
I don't really blend chilli varieties in sauces that much but the combo of fatalii orange habs and asian birdseyes seems to go well like IGG says an all over burn.
The combo of those peppers worked perfectly. Just the right proportion for each of them and they hit in a great order as well.
stillmanz said:
I thought he was just messing with me so I didn't point it out..lol

theres quite a few of those 3 punches floating around...
it was made as a wing sauce for a comp I am trying to get started over here.
I don't really blend chilli varieties in sauces that much but the combo of fatalii orange habs and asian birdseyes seems to go well like IGG says an all over burn.



it sounds bad but its great on cold pizza lol....i always test sauce & powders on cold pizza, figure if it can give life to that cardboard texture its a winner. In that dept. this sauce is numero uno.
Also great as a dip for fresh prawns. & on ham & tomato rolls.
I tried it. Great flavors with little bits of mango, not too big though, just little flavor parcels. Heat is nice and hits the roof of your mouth where it lingers for a few minutes. Well done.