• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Oldsalty Garden pics Thanks to THP members!!!

First let me say THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL MY FRIENDS AT THP YOU ARE THE GREATEST!! Haven't been on in a while trying to finish up a project for the funds to start shipping out GOODIES to those who've been waiting so patiently! To juanitos,SmokenFire,Grant Michaels,jcw10tc, I again would like to say thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!! :) your in my thoughts every day !! Will repost my grow list later these pic of the raised beds in my front yard are all from you guys!! :)
the trellis is for Boston cukes, also some tomato plants from members

Will post pics of the rest of my garden in proper forum!! Cheers
Looks great OS, you just can't keep a good man down. Not only did you get up once after your injury, but you again came out fighting after your garden was destroyed. In every cloud, there is a silver lining made of THP members.

If ever you need anything mate, please don't hesitate to ask.

Grass Snake said:
Cool garden OS! I hate to hear that somebody was messing with your garden.
ps: I don't trust that garden gnome in the bottom right hand corner of the first pic.
ehhh,  worse thing that will happen is he will get some serious pepper shits...
Scuba_Steve said:
Lookin great!  Where are the bear traps you have hidden around the garden to catch asshole teenagers though?
Hahaha yep there there just hidden!! :)
jcw10tc said:
Hope you have a great season now.  Looks pretty close to your house.  Amazing how kids will go right up to someones place like that and destroy things.
Hey brother thank you again!!!!!! Have two more beds in back yard and a big garden on the side of property just didn't get them planted out. Just didn't have the motivation after they trashed those beds. Have a trail n my back yard that goes to a big lake. Put up a fence to stop them from cutting through property. Felt bad as a lot of good local kids used as a cut through but just can't take the chance. Sad a few wreck it for the many!!

Have a video recorder and camera mounted on corner of house decided the new beds would be safer in the front as it's a smaller area and out in the open would deter them from trying it again planted fruit trees to make it harder to access beds. Hopefully they won't try it again whole neighborhood is looking out.
Hope by doing it this way and leaving the other beds empty this season they won't try again. The sides and back are surrounded by trees making it easier to get away with shenanigans!!!
Will keep ya posted on progress!!!!
tctenten said:
Great to see those plants in your garden. Good luck the rest of the way.
Thanks Tctenten!!!!!!!!!!!! :) feels great to see them in their new home!!!!!!
Shorerider said:
Looks great OS, you just can't keep a good man down. Not only did you get up once after your injury, but you again came out fighting after your garden was destroyed. In every cloud, there is a silver lining made of THP members.
If ever you need anything mate, please don't hesitate to ask.
Thanks brother!!!!!! :) yeah I take no credit I really was torn down when I discovered the original destruction!! :( I really can't express in words how much this outpouring of support from THP friends really motivated me to restart my garden!! :) Y'all should take a bow really really really wonderful people!!!
I owe this year's harvest to you all!! :) :) :)

Thanks Shorerider, and I feel the same my friend appreciate your support. :)
Grass Snake said:
Cool garden OS! I hate to hear that somebody was messing with your garden.
ps: I don't trust that garden gnome in the bottom right hand corner of the first pic.
Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha good to see ya back my pepper head brother!!!!! Yeah really sucked !! Punks !!

Wife bought me that little guy!! :) He's trained in close quarter combat and demolition. We call him sergeant slaughter!! Any shenanigans and he springs into action!!! Deadly little dude!! Lol
Scuba_Steve said:
ehhh,  worse thing that will happen is he will get some serious pepper shits...

Those bmx kids are everywhere!!

Just in case ya get the pepper shifts while diving! Lol
Plantguy76 said:
Your garden is looking awesome !
Best wishes for a great season .
Thank you my friend!!!!!


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