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eXtreme Business
I was watering my Butch T's this morning, and noticed that I have my first pepper! growing!!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo!

It's still quite immature, and looks like a very tiny & thin jalapeno, but I can't wait for more to come, especially since I just spent the better part of a day fertilizing the rest of my plants
:dance: thats what i did when i saw my butch t start to make tiny flowers and i was like omg omg omg omg my wife was like whattttttttt? and i told her...she then rolled her eyes and shoke her head ....she is just jealous :party:
Here's a pic. I found another on the next plant over. Is it OK that even though this is (supposedly according to the seed vendor) a Butch T, that it looks like a small Jalapeno?

Awesome. Be careful not to over-fertilize. You likely know, but I've seen some monster plants with leaves bigger than your hand and hardly any peppers.

Have a great day!
Here's a pic. I found another on the next plant over. Is it OK that even though this is (supposedly according to the seed vendor) a Butch T, that it looks like a small Jalapeno?


Was it a reputable seed vendor?

Because that pod shape doesn't look right at all to me. Granted I haven't grown Butch T's and my normal Trinidad Scorpions are just starting to flower, but from the pictures I've seen scorps are sort of bell shaped with the stinger...and from what I understand there is a fake Butch T strain that's some type of cayenne.

Good luck, I hope it's just a funny pod.
Curious.... I'll have to defer to the judgement of both of you on here, since both of you almost certainly know better than I on things. I thought that the pepper would grow, then balloon, but I guess I was wrong :P

And if that is the case, does anyone have any actual Butch T seeds they feel like parting/trading with. I've got some Bhut seeds I could stand to part with :)


Just saw in another post that someone posted a link to a seller on eBay who turned out to be the seller I got the seeds from for the pepper in question. I honestly don't think there's anything in it for me to get my $20 back for the seed purchase, so I'll take the hit, and since I spend more than that in a week on soda :P So hard lesson learned. And for the love of $deity, don't buy from this guy.
Yeah you got burnt mate, sorry to learn that. On the plus side you did manage to grow a pepper plant! So for that i say GO YOU GOOD THING!
Pm me your addy, i have a pod that is just about ripe on my plant so the seed will be fresh. It is OP but is away from other plants, so if you don't mind that hit me up!

Heres the plant...

That would be much appreciated, sir! Thank you!