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This is what they should look like...........


+1 i hope mine look that good o.o nice job!
OK, silly question... I decided to keep the plants that produced these peppers, and was wondering. The first of the peppers (pictured earlier) has effectively stopped growing, and has turned a deep green color. Kinda bumpy texture. Is it ripe? Is it safe to pick it? Or am I WAY too early?
Duly noted, thanks! Being that these first few are my first peppers (granted, they're not quite the peppers I was hoping for, but still), I wanna make sure I do it right.

That, and I caved and got myself 20x Butch T, 20x Bhut, and 20x Dorset Naga seeds from Hippy Seed Co., and have 5 of each seed in warm water & hydrogen peroxide I've had such good luck with in germinating seeds. I'm of course, not opposed to getting more seeds down the road, especially if the Bhut plants I've got that have been flowering for forever & a day fail to produce, I may have to bite the bullet and scrap them. I'm still very leery of putting them outside my door so that insects will pollenate them for the simple fact that the kids here run around with no regard for others' plants, despite the mountain of complaints people have filed with the front office for busted pots, stolen plants, and the kids generally running roughshod throughout the entire complex (which is all the more reason I want to get that job transfer up north sooner rather than later)...
Indeed it is sir, even if it wasn't the pepper I was expecting. Got a total of 31 seeds out of it, and it was most definitely hot! I only bit into a sliver of it, and it took two hours for the burning to stop after the milk.