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hi this is my first time growing hot peppers and i am growing ring of fire

any way i noticed today that the leaves are shrinking and becoming kinda black then the leaf falls or something happens to it anyway it is not there

and one of my plants is not out of leafs only one remaining

pics soon

please help

================================= UPDATE ===============================








and it is 113 F :D
I would also add, looks like they need more direct light... kinda spindly... wet is a bad thing... i know it's hard... but let um dryout a lil...
Drill some holes in the bottom of your cups, that way the exess water will drain out. Just make sure you put something underneath the cups! lol
Looks to me like an over-abundance of moisture and/or high humidity. As said above; make sure drainage is apt, Then think about airflow.
yeah i have been watering them too much the past couple days

anyways are they damaged (are they going to die :(:((: ) or are they going to grow back soon ?
I would repot with fresh DRYer medium, at their age give them filtered sunlight and a little air movement with a fan,
then only water when soil is dry to touch. They will probably survive ok.