OMG Turn Effing Red Already!!!

lol. This is getting ridiculous. I cant take it anymore. Im starving over here. Im exhausted. Im gonna lose it. :mope:

Hmm, Do not feel so bad now, been waiting for my first full size Bhut to ripen for about 6 or 7 weeks now, driving me crazy lol.
  Waiting is the hardest part of growing peppers. It's so frustrating knowing there is absolutely nothing you can do to expedite the process! At least your pods are big and healthy.
peppernovice said:
  Waiting is the hardest part of growing peppers. It's so frustrating knowing there is absolutely nothing you can do to expedite the process! At least your pods are big and healthy.
And then you get impatient and taste an unripe one, and you're underwhelmed...... Wait it out!
Just wait until they do start changing, I was checking on mine every five minutes to make sure they were changing and I wasnt just seeing things. ..
Thai is getting red pods, a Barrackpore has brown ones(?) a Jonah and a Primo have little orange ones, White bullets are still a bit yellow----everything else is green,green,green.
As long as there is something munchable---I can have a little patience.
Last year I had to play this waiting game with the aji amarillos as the winter came on, and in the end I lost all but two pods to the cold before they ripened.  It's frustrating when it just tries your patience, but when the delay makes the difference between getting to eat the pods and having to throw them out...!!!
Fataliis drive me crazy.  They seem to like to crank out pods early (for a _chinense_) and in numbers, and then they just SIT there.  Every morning I want to yell at them, "What are you *waiting* for?!??!"  Sometimes I do, but I don't think they're listening.
ntenny said:
Fataliis drive me crazy.  They seem to like to crank out pods early (for a _chinense_) and in numbers, and then they just SIT there.  Every morning I want to yell at them, "What are you *waiting* for?!??!"  Sometimes I do, but I don't think they're listening.
That's because you talk English with them and not Africaans...


Al-from-Chile said:
That's because you talk English with them and not Africaans...
Hmm, they're from the CAR, right? So they should understand French. I have this vision of my future self, a cranky old man standing out in the yard in pajamas, terrorizing the neighbors by screaming at the plants in bad schoolboy French. I think this is a worthwhile goal!
