Omri & DD

Smart move, adding "i dont know you got the window open?". :lol:
Anyway it would be great if someone could answer my question. :lol:
Omri said:
Smart move, adding "i dont know you got the window open?". :lol:
Anyway it would be great if someone could answer my question. :lol:

I don't know enough about your climate to say.

You need to consider day and nighttime temperatures, rainfall, and humidity.

While peppers tolerate a great deal of heat during the day, having a series of days with temperatures above 100F (37C) can adversely affect fruit set. We had two weeks in a row of above 100 degree days, and even with plenty of water, the peppers just weren't setting fruit. Of course, part of that could have been the nighttime temperature. If the temperatures stay above 75 to 80 F (24 to 26 C) at night they won't set much fruit.

Temperatures that are too cool can be just as bad, and the peppers that are produced in cool conditions aren't as hot. Daytime temperatures that are below 65 F (18 C) and night time temperatures below 55 to 60 (12 to 15C) can reduce fruit set.

Over watering can not only damage the plant, it can reduce the heat, and high humidity brings all kinds of fun molds and fungi.

So, what is your climate like?
Well this week it's pretty hot (73F - 86F), and somehow cloudy.
Not sure about the humidity.

I heard some good news, it's going to be a dry winter.
It's rare and not so good for the country's water supply, but it means more sun and less cold. :lol:
I originally thought it's going to be freezing (it's already a bit cooler than it was a month ago), but I guess I was wrong.
Omri said:
Smart move, adding "i dont know you got the window open?". :?:
Anyway it would be great if someone could answer my question. :(

lol real joker you are. I am right arnt I, your saying climate doesnt affect indoors at all?. :?:
scarecrow said:
lol real joker you are. I am right arnt I, your saying climate doesnt affect indoors at all?. :?:
A house is like a greenhouse, with it's own temp and conditions.