chillilover said:
I always thought it made pods bigger too? What makes pods big?
What makes pods big is usually what the plant uses to make them, which isnt Nitrogen. First of all, a plant doesnt even need a whole bunch of leaves for pod growth, because the pods themselfs act as leaves.
Things that effect pod size are:
Light - Not enough and they grow too slow but with
lots of light, they generally grow faster.
Temperature - Too low and they grow really slow, warmer
temperatures causes them to grow faster.
Water - Too little and the plant cannot cope with
excessive transperation from the leaves and as a result the
pod growth slows or haults.
Nutrients - Too much or too little can stunt the plant,
so give them higher P and K for fruit and flower development.
Magnesium and Calcium can also do wonders in addition to a
fertilizer that has micro nutrients.
Fertility - Pods generally grow only to a size needed to
accommodate the seeds, if the pollen fertility is low, seed count
will be low and pod size can suffer.
Thats pretty much all you need to worry about in respect to pod size.
Hope that helps