One of my Ghost Tail pods for seeds

Was going to save this for more of this type seeds but think I have enough.

This is about the last pod like it on Plant that has that shape.

It's on the Nearly Overripe Pod List but may still be OK.

Anyone want it to dry and maybe pass some seeds on to others.

I had a thread earlier about My Ghosts got Tails and this Pod is from those posted there.

So anyone want just this pod.

You dry the seeds.

If want, I may have a few more pods on the same plant for seeds that are more like a Ghost Pepper but have more of a tapered Point on them. Only a couple though.

Will send them as well. Might have a half doazen total.

Remember, they are ripe and you get what you get.

Just would like to see if maybe some else could grow these out and see what happens.

First to ask gets 'em.

Continental USA ONLY

As with all the others I sent today, I need to send this out tomorrow. So need an address tonight.

I'm down. :) Please. :) That's pretty cool looking. Looks like it may have mixed with your Trinidad Scorpion Butch T.

Thanks man, appreciate it!
I'm down. :) Please. :) That's pretty cool looking. Looks like it may have mixed with your Trinidad Scorpion Butch T.

Thanks man, appreciate it!

I'm sure that's exactly what happened. I had a similar thing going on with some of mine I grew this year. I had my bhuts ands scorps next to each other last year. One plant was quite interesting as it pumped out 3 different pod shapes. One exactly like a bhut, one similar to above, and one just like a scorp. Can't wait to see what the seeds from this one does next year.

Skwerl cool offer. I think people will love this cross!

Here's a pic from earlier this year of the plant I was talking about.
Congrats Helldozer !!

Be in mail tomorrow.

The plant they came from was from of all places, Hirt's Garden. It and another was planted right beside two Butch T plants I grew from seed from PJ. Those Butch T plants are like 6 feet tall right now and still growing. Had to cut the Ghosts back cause they got top heavy from pods and fell over. the other Ghost produced regular pods and it was right beside a Butch T.

Did it really have a possiblity of crossing from one of the Butch Ts?

Here's a pic of the other pods I'll send you Helldozer.
Thy're pretty much normal except the pointed end.
