chinense Only 100 People in the world can eat Carolina Reapers?

Uh guy, just because Ed's last post here was last summer does not mean he can't view posts.  You can get on here without logging in, or anonymously.  I DO know for certain that he has seen this thread, and commented about it accordingly in another place.  Why are you so concerned about this topic? I don't know why you would spend so much time researching looking to dispel this and refute that.   Just eat peppers, be glad we are going mainstream however it is happening, and enjoy it.
My google news feed gave me an article that I thought was a cool topic.  So I posted it here because I don't do whole pods hotter than about a pickled ghost pepper and wondered what other people thought.  That's all.  No evil plot.
JayT said: "I don't know why you would spend so much time researching looking to dispel this and refute that."

What did I research, refute or try to dispel?  Looking at the original post, I think I kind of supported the idea that people who eat whole pods that hot are few and far between.  Then I asked what other people think.  Research what?
JayT said:  "Just eat peppers, be glad we are going mainstream however it is happening, and enjoy it."

So I should not talk about things that pop up in my news feed?  That seems like an odd thing to say.  Kind of like sit down, shut up, and enjoy the ride.
JayT said: "I know for certain that he has seen this thread and has commented on it somewhere as the reason he does not frequent THP anymore."
JayT replied: "Uh guy, just because Ed's last post here was last summer does not mean he can't view posts. "
Well now I am really confused.  I drove Mr. Currie away from THP a week ago with this thread.  But Mr. Currie was not driven away from THP, he just doesn't post anymore.  Not only do those statements not make sense together, but I really can't imagine sharing a news article had that effect.

Frankly, I can not imagine Mr. Currie caring what news articles I share.  I imagine the guy is a multi millionaire by now.  I barely have use of my legs.  My tractor is broke, my tiller is broke, and I am planting out while scooting around on my ass.  It is not like I pose some threat to his business, personal life, or reputation.


P.S. Did I just step into another minefield like I did with Bakers Peppers and Pepper Joe (two other people I have never had problems with).  Seems like a guy mention certain names and KAPLOWIE.
Tom, is OK seems like a few people got all wigged out like I was pulling out my butt.  Same font as the rest of the post, but I am gonna go see if I can edit it and make it bigger.
cruzzfish said:
"100 people can eat them"
What, and my friends and I make three percent of that? Anyone with teeth can eat one, just that about half will throw it up, and another large chunk of them won't want a second one.
Although the reaper does have the advantage that it doesn't taste like shit mixed with fermented battery acid. It isn't that exceptional as far as heat goes though. Ghost scorpions taste hotter to me.
Edit: Capsaicinoids do actually reduce cancer chances normally. Sorry smokemaster, but you had the worst luck. Or did carcinogenic things, in which case I'm still sorry to hear that, but please take care of yourself next time.
Are you a doctor or a scientist? Sorry but even if you are, and you're not, there is certainly not enough evidence to label capsaicinoids (which one?) as a cancer preventative. Best not to degrade a person with cancer with such an ignorant statement.
spicymeatball said:
Are you a doctor or a scientist? Sorry but even if you are, and you're not, there is certainly not enough evidence to label capsaicinoids (which one?) as a cancer preventative. Best not to degrade a person with cancer with such an ignorant statement.
How is it 'degrading' or ignorant? There is actually significant evidence that capscainoids(all) to have anticarcinogenic effects along with a few other factors.
 Capsaicinoids do actually reduce cancer chances normally
 Sorry, but not only ignorant one of the most idiotic things I've heard.
Sorry smokemaster, but you had the worst luck. Or did carcinogenic things,
Degrading when you lecture someone with cancer about cancer causing agents that you have no idea if he/she has been exposed to. And then pretend to know what caused it.
Checked with the American Cancer Society.  They feel there is not enough evidence to support the cancer fighting claim.  They also express a concern about the supplements that make unsubstantiated claims.  But they also say that topical use can decrease pain.  I use hot pepper based creams for that purpose and I can tell you for sure it is helpful.

Also, I -think- they might thin blood.  There is evidence that indicates they are helpful in fighting heart disease.  Not one of my challenges, but am type 1 diabetic.  When i stick my finger for sugar tests i seem to bleed much better when eating hot peppers regularly.

I figure since there are other benefits and they taste good, a cancer patient should ask their doctor if it could hurt.  If not, munch away but do not ignore the more formal treatments.
Why do you assume he is a multi-millionaire?  lol.  That may be a little presumptuous.   If breeding a variety makes you a millionaire, I'll sit all day damn long with a paintbrush and pots and never stop. :)   I'm sorry to hear about your health issues.  I understand how frustrating things can be. :(


Frankly, I can not imagine Mr. Currie caring what news articles I share.  I imagine the guy is a multi millionaire by now.  I barely have use of my legs.  My tractor is broke, my tiller is broke, and I am planting out while scooting around on my ass.  It is not like I pose some threat to his business, personal life, or reputation.
cmpman1974 said:
Why do you assume he is a multi-millionaire?  lol. 
OK, replace the term multi-millionaire with the term 'big time'.  Just pointing to the fact that someone that successful can not possibly care what someone like me says.  Besides, I didn't really say much.  I more asked a question.

Bout the legs, thank you.  It will make for a great triumph over adversity story this fall.