event Open Fields 2017

Wow, its hard to believe there hasn't been a posting about Open Fields on this forum since 2011. The date for 2017 is set for September 29, 2017 - October 1, 2017 at an undisclosed location in Indiana.
If you want to attend, you need to contact Milton Limonchi and get directions and instructions. I don't know if he has an email address, but you can find him on Facebook.
If you haven't been, here is how Butch T described it back in 2011:
It's really more like a family reunion with the 3rd & 4th coozan's(cousins to you yanks) you never met before! It's basicly camping out if you stay in the fields, but there are hotels to stay in if you want to come & go (staying in the fields is the way to go, I've done it both way's)If I make it (keep me away, lol) expect some of the best gulf seafood we have to offer, maybe even a hot pepper or 2, the Trinidad Scorpion was available at OF the same year the Naga Morrich was supposed to be the hottest, there was some surprises in the heat level even before that, but it'll cost you a couple of beers and a trip to open fields to hear those stories!~
The event still has some unmet funding needs if you want to contribute. The link for contributions if you are so inclined is:
I know the campaign still says 2016, but it is still the current funding drive. Milton just didn't want to start a new gofundme campaign.
Come on out and camp in a field with some fellow chileheads, eat some great spicy food, have a few chile-infused cocktails and hear some great chile stories. A good time will be had by all!
I went. A great time was had by all.
Here is the group shot. There were actually more people there, but we forgot to take a group shot on Saturday. These were the folks that were there on Sunday morning. I am the one kneeling in protest :surprised:

Friday at the fields

A lot of this went on:

And more of the same.

Walchit said:
Are u going to this Midwest?
Well, someone has to pay for the field rental, the porta-potties and the trash removal, which are the biggest expenses. And anything left over is donated to Jim Campbell's charity, Step Up For Charity. So no, you don't have to do a go fund me for camping, but it helps defray the expenses and leaves more money for charitable purposes.
Voodoo 6 said:
People have to do a go fund me for camping??
Sad news to report, one of the regulars at Open Fields, Travis Harris, aka Chemwolf, died last night according to Facebook. He hasn't been active on this forum for a while, but he was a regular at Open Fields the last several years. RIP Travis. 