• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Operation Golden Garden 2014: Let's Get Started!

**Instead of starting an entirely new GLOG, I decided to tack 2014 on to the end of this one. So if you have already went through 2013's grow, just jump ahead to page 40.**
Before you go on, I would recommend you grab a beer or something else stiff to drink.  If you didnt follow my grow last time around, I have the tendency to go on, and on, and on, and on.  Also, I may not be the most "PC" out of the group, so if you are looking for clean language, on topic discussion, and general 'niceness', I am sure that I can point you in the right direction.
Ok, now that we got that out of the way....I AM STARTING A FREAKIN GROW LOG!  A quick bit of back story. Since I spent more time in high school partying than studying, I didn't have much of a choice following graduation. I decided to enlist in the Marines (there really isnt another choice) and now here I am 8 years and 5 deployments later.  This last go around I left the first few days of September and just got back yesterday (9 months for all the other 'non studying' folk).  As most of you know, if you want some bangin pepper plants, you need to start early, and May 25th aint early.  So right before I left I cut everything back and prayed to the pepper gods that my plants would make it through winter so I could have something to come home to.  Up until yesterday I thought that they were just taking time to put on some green, but when I walked through the fence to see my dogs, a ritual that I typically do after every deployment, I realized that the plants were not there and instead was four trays of new plants just waiting for planting.
Note:  IPhones are not the world's leading video recording devices.  And as a result, I may not be easily heard.  Dont worry, I didn't have much to say initially anyways, I was just a bit more surprised than anything.

For someone who seems to always talk a bit too much, I didnt have much to say initially.  I was freaking out inside and didnt know if my wife got them or what.  When she told me that the guys from THP did it, i was blown away.  You gotta understand, over the past 9 months Bill (RocketMan) organized a "Operation Hot Sauce" care package rotation for me and my guys.  A bunch of members here chipped in and sent packages of sauces, powders, peppers, and other treats to help make this deployment a bit more enjoyable.  To hear that they ALSO chipped in and GAVE ME A GROWING SEASON pretty much put me over the edge.  I know that I already messaged you guys but I wanna thank RocketMan, Coheed196, Romy6, KingDenniz, Silver_Surfer, STC3248, DesertChris, Sanarda, MuskyMojo, Pulpeteer, WalkGood, DocNRock. Stickman, Annie57, Pic 1, Pr0digal_Son, Jamison, Spicy Chicken, HighHalt, Fremp, SethSquach, 3/5 King, Patrick, Bigoldude again for helping make this happen for me.  And although giving me a garden was WAY MORE THAN ENOUGH, they also gave me a little sumpin sumpin that will help out picking up the last minute things that I need to make sure I have everything I need for the season!
So this morning, I got up early because I am still on Afghanistan time, cooked breakfast, and then after the family ate we went out to the garden to plant everything. 

The Peppers:
7 Pot
7 Pot Douglah
7 Pot Yellow
Aji Colorado
Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia Assam
Bhut Jolokia Yellow
Bonda ma Jaques
Congo Trinidad
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Lemon Drop
Marconi Giant Hybrid
TSMB Yellow
Naga Morich
Safi Red
Trinidad Scorpion
West Indian Red
Black Krim
Black Pear
Oh, and did I tell you that THERE ARE 3 EACH?!?
Gettin to work tilling the rows a bit

The wife givin me a hand

The kiddo givin me a hand

Rows Complete

And Peppers in the ground!

Some goodies from Bill, Jeff and Bonnie (Bill also has goodies in the fridge :cheers:)

Parting Shot

MGOLD86 said:
Thanks. Yea, it is laser removal and the website says it is a medlite laser. This was session 3, and it was also the first time that I had any swelling. It went away in 2 or 3 days. I have 5 more, and so far it is going really well. The shading is significantly reduced, some of the lines are already breaking up, and there are a few spots where the tattoo is almost completely gone.
That's interesting.  That Medlite is a solid-state Nd:YAG laser, operating at 1064 nm and frequency doubled to 532 nm.  The 532 nm wavelength is used to pump a couple of dye attachments lasing at 585 nm and 630 nm.  I guess those four wavelengths cover all the ink colors.
Thanks all, its been a crazy week again. Work never friggen ends. But good news is I got some action in the grow tent. Bad news is the horticubes look to be a bust, good news is it looks like if I can keep the stuff alive that is alive now, I should still have a pretty good garden. It has been over a month, and I have one seedling that broke the surface on the horiticubes. There are about 6 or so more that are about to pop up, but 3 of those have helmets. The crazy thing is I planted that other flat 2 weeks after the horticubes, and there are already 20 or so that popped.
I promised some pix, so here we go:


This PN7J is gorgeous
http://s1236.photobucket.com/user/mgold86/media/2014 Grow/DSC_0289.jpg.html

ButchT X Primo


I am hopin to see some movement on the Jiffy Pellets this week, add those to the other batch and this season could end up turning out pretty decent.
Thanks for stoppin in!
  Wow......I'm finally up to date on your grow. Things are looking great so far. I'm surprised your having such a hard time germinating, but maybe it's a good thing. If everything had germinated, you would be living in a jungle.
peppernovice said:
If everything had germinated, you would be living in a jungle.
You say that like it's a bad thing.  :lol:
Looking good, Matt.  That PN7J is a beautiful plant.  I don't remember what the pods are like, though.  Time to go searching.
I finally got started on Round 2 of my sowing; started with a flat almost entirely devoted to seeds from the pods you sent last year.  Thanks, again!  (I'll post details over in my glog soon.)
stc3248 said:
Hope things pick up for you brother...and I hear ya on the work stuff. I am having a slow go of it on my end too. 
Yea man, things definitely have picked up...now the battle for space is in full swing.
peppernovice said:
  Wow......I'm finally up to date on your grow. Things are looking great so far. I'm surprised your having such a hard time germinating, but maybe it's a good thing. If everything had germinated, you would be living in a jungle.
Thanks Tim. I think I figured it out, water. I just didn't get the flats wet enough prior to planting, so when I would water every day or two, it would just run off. This next round I soaked the flats pretty good, then planted. I got much better results. Also, I used a couple different germ methods and think I have found what I will use in the future. (see below)
Sawyer said:
You say that like it's a bad thing.  :lol:
Looking good, Matt.  That PN7J is a beautiful plant.  I don't remember what the pods are like, though.  Time to go searching.
I finally got started on Round 2 of my sowing; started with a flat almost entirely devoted to seeds from the pods you sent last year.  Thanks, again!  (I'll post details over in my glog soon.)
Yea, the second planting went much better. I am really loving the PN7J, I think I have 3 or 4 of em, but the one in the photo is the biggest. Check Dulac's thread about it, he has some pics.
Penny said:
Well done...everything's looking great! :dance:
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
46 pages already??? wow.. nice looking plants... hope things continue to look this good for you come plant out
lol, I wish....i just tacked this on the back end of last year's grow. I have been much more....absent...from here this year. I have been swamped at work, but I still have some time to pop in here every so often.
Dulac said:
That 7JPN is looking great!
Thanks Ryan. I also got one of the X TSMBs to pop
jedisushi06 said:
Nice list and plants Matt! This horticubes were a bust? What was your germination rate with them? Nice pics btw
I think I had about 35 or so out of 96 pop. Also, they took FOREVER to pop up. Not thrilled, especially for the price.
Ok, so contrary to popular belief (and the same as I said the last two times I disappeared for a while) I am still alive. Work, school, family, ect. You get the picture.
I am officially moving in the right direction. I have a ton of starts, and the babies I potted up a couple weeks ago have really taken off. The horticubes didn't win me over, they took too long to pop and I got about a 33% germ rate. They seem to be doing ok now, but they are behind the flat I planted a week later. The jiffy pellets seem to have done the best and I will probably use those exclusively next go around. I may plant a flat, but the jiffy pellets just seem to work great. I am planning to cut off the webbing because I have heard horror stories about people who leave them on.
But here is what I have, and how many of each. The copy/paste job didn't work too well so read Pepper, source, and how many.
TSMB Satan's Strain Ed X
TSMB Caramel Chris X
ButchT PL X
TSM (From Trinidad) YT X
TS Yellow Tim X
BJ Red Hybrid Ryan XX
Burmese Naga  Saugapepper XX
Cornish Naga F5 Steven XX
Choc Big Bang Naga Jason XX
BOC Jason XX
NagaBrain Gary X
Choc NagaBrain Gary X
Brazilian Ghost Ford's X
7 Pot SR (Long) Me X
7 Pot Yellow CCN X
7 Pot BP PL X
7 Pot BP C Jason X
7 Pot BP Tail Brian X
7 Pot Primo PL X
7 Pot Jonah Tim X
7 Pot Madballz Red Jamie X
7 Pot Bubblegum Steven XX
7 Pot Rennie Chocolate Steven X
7 Pot Infinity Me X
7 Pot Brown Ed X
7 Pot Savannah F3 Steven X
7 Pot Lava Steven X
7 Pot Primo Yellow Jamie X
Infinity Yellow Charles X
Monser Infinity Shane XX
7 Wrecking Ball Chad X
7 Peanut Denniz X
Bhut Jolokia Assam X 7 Pot Jonah F3 Grant XX
Bhut Jolokia Assam X Brainstrain Steven X
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T X 7 Pot Primo F4 Grant XXXX
TSMB Chocolate X Jonah F2 Grant X
TSMB X Douglah F3 Grant X
TSMB X Primo F4 Grant XXX
TS Long X Assam F2 Grant XX
TSMB X Trainidad Scorpion ButchT Steven XXX
T. Viper X Purple Bhut Brandon XXX
UBSC Brandon XXX
UBSC Chocolate Greg X
SB7J Vince XX
Bhutlah Red Original Chad XX
Bhutlah Red Chad XX
Bhutlah Choc Steven X
Pimenta de Neyde X Jonah Ryan XXX
Pimenta de Neyde X Bhut (Peach) Steven XX
Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw Dale XXX
[Douglah X BhutchT] X Another Superhot Charles XX
[Bhut X Yellow 7 Pot] X [Choc Bhut X Douglah] Charles X
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate X Douglah F2 Charles X
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga X Brain Strain F1 Charles X
Naga Suomi X [Choc Bhut X Douglah] Charles XX
Morango Cross Charles X
[7 Pot Jonah X Pimenta de Neyde] X TSMB Ryan XX
SB7J (Atomic) Ryan X
7 Pot Original X Bhut Jolokia F2 Ryan X
7 Pot Evergreen X Purple Myst Steven X
7 Pot Brown X 7 Pot Primo (#3 Pheno) Steven X
Bhutlah Chocolate F2 Steven X
7 Pot Douglah Yellow X Trinidad Scorpion Brown Steven X
Borg 9 Steven X
Blah Clamshell Chad XX
Armageddon F2 Jamison XX
Infinaga Ford's XX
Douglah X ButchT (Brown) Ford's X
E03GM F2 Steven XX
Blah Red X BS Chad XX
Trinidad Scorpion ButchT X Jonah Steven X
Yellow Pixie Denniz X
CS4 Chad X
Rocoto X Charles X
Orange Daisey Cutter Denniz X
MoA Ramon XX
Hot White Scorp Tongue Steven X
Naga x Tabasco Steven X
Chaparita Yellow Shane X
Giant White Hab Paul X
Here are a couple pics.

Oh...and guess what I found on sale??
Nicely done! :clap: The jiffy's you're using have the best netting to remove. The others are very cloth-like the ones you have should tear very easily and come off no trouble at all. I think you're using the tomato size which are much bigger than the standard ones, but you need to get the netting off pretty soon because I imagine you already have roots penetrating the netting underneath on the larger ones. 
Your list is freaking nuts! I have very few plants this season...so I will come over here to get my dose of pod overload!
Have any of the [7 Pot Jonah X Pimenta de Neyde] X TSMBs shown any purple?
stc3248 said:
Nicely done! :clap: The jiffy's you're using have the best netting to remove. The others are very cloth-like the ones you have should tear very easily and come off no trouble at all. I think you're using the tomato size which are much bigger than the standard ones, but you need to get the netting off pretty soon because I imagine you already have roots penetrating the netting underneath on the larger ones. 
Your list is freaking nuts! I have very few plants this season...so I will come over here to get my dose of pod overload!
I just planted mine with the netting.
capsidadburn said:
Great looking starts Matt!  Big ol monster list too!
Hope for an Excellant season for you!
Thanks Mike. I am lookin forward to a nice and hot summer. I can't wait to share a ton of stuff with everyone.
Spicegeist said:
Incredible... what a grow :twisted:
Thanks Charles. I am really happy to have your crosses on that list. I have a ton of em that popped up. I am lookin forward to seeing how they turn out. Some of those 4 way crosses are bound to be interesting.
RocketMan said:
WOW, now that's what I call a grow list. How many of each of those are you planning on putting in the ground?
I think there is something like 150 or so total, and it really depends on how much room I end up with. I am not gonna tear up as much of the yard as i planned, but I should still have a good amount of room in the ground. As I type this I just realized that I am probably gonna put the house on the market in May...if we end up selling this summer I may have to do some excavation...
Nulle said:
Just impressive :P
Devv said:
Wow Matt!
Are you out there tilling new ground yet? Where ya gonna put the dogs? Ha!
Fantastic list and the babies are looking stellar!
looking foward to seeing this progress!
Not yet, I will probably get in there some time in March or April. I plan on planting 1 May, so April would be a good timeframe.
stc3248 said:
Nicely done! :clap: The jiffy's you're using have the best netting to remove. The others are very cloth-like the ones you have should tear very easily and come off no trouble at all. I think you're using the tomato size which are much bigger than the standard ones, but you need to get the netting off pretty soon because I imagine you already have roots penetrating the netting underneath on the larger ones. 
Your list is freaking nuts! I have very few plants this season...so I will come over here to get my dose of pod overload!
Yea, I am planning on using them in the future. The starts are double the size of the starts in the flats and they are half as old. Like I mentioned to Bill I am gonna be putting the house on the market this summer, so I may rethink my plant out to account for that. I am gonna be PCSing next summer, and the housing market here sucks so we are gonna put the house up early so we have plenty of time to sell.
Dont worry, I definitely owe you some pkgs. Hopefully if everything goes well you can try some new ones.
Dulac said:
Have any of the [7 Pot Jonah X Pimenta de Neyde] X TSMBs shown any purple?
I just planted mine with the netting.
Why as a matter of fact i do...

Pulpiteer said:
Yep, that's an insane list.  Looking good though! 
Thanks Andy!