labels-artwork Opinions Wanted for Label/Logo Design

I'd love to hear what everyone thinks of my design. Wanted to stay away from the typical picture of a pepper,smoke,fire etc...
Going for a comical theme that people will remember and recognize when they see it.

Catch phrase - It ain't hot unless its "Sofa King" Hot!!

It's got a nice ring to it..... I'd love to hear peoples thoughts!

Thanks everyone!

link to my website

I Can't figure out hot to post the pictures on here, hopefully you'll check it out on my site and let me know your thoughts. Thanks again!

First of all welcome to the forum. Now, a few thoughts. The guy is cool, but shouldn't Sofa King be on a sofa rather than a recliner? The other things that kind of jumped out at me was that you tell people to age your sauce for a year. That's a long time that people won't be trying it and ordering more don't you think? Maybe you should just age it a year before release? Other than that the sauce sounds interesting.
First of all welcome to the forum. Now, a few thoughts. The guy is cool, but shouldn't Sofa King be on a sofa rather than a recliner? The other things that kind of jumped out at me was that you tell people to age your sauce for a year. That's a long time that people won't be trying it and ordering more don't you think? Maybe you should just age it a year before release? Other than that the sauce sounds interesting.
LOL@Jay... So F**king Hot Sauce, get it? :lol:

I'm not a fan of puns, but good luck with it.
Oh I see what you mean. He should be on a sofa because he's on a recliner! Yeah... fix that.

Kinda gimmicky SK. The other pun I hate is Datil.... datil do, datil do it, datil datil schmatil! LOL.

But hey... go with what you like!
JayT- I read that he ages his sauce up to a year before using it, but the text could be re-worded to clarify that point.

SK-there are some typos and grammatical errors in the test, try to fix that.

As for the image, it's catchy, but does not look appealing/appetizing. I wouldn't be inclined to reach for the bottle based on the image. I'd be more likely to reach for a bottle with an image of a hot looking dude reclining on a couch with a crown instead of the image of the scruffy guy with holes in his sox. Sorry, just my impression~
Good Luck with your venture.
Thanks for the feedback guys. As for the aging part, I never really thought about that. Although I have had a pretty good cycle going and never quite ran out. Well, not yet anyways. I make pretty good size batches. I might just reword it or eliminate it altogether. Now, for the couch vs recliner.... My bottles are only 147ml and not very big in diameter. I tried both images but the one I went with just fits the label better. Either way, I'm sure people get the idea.
I put quite a bit of thought of what to name it and what design to go with. I felt that gimmicky is the best way to go. It's what sells really. Just my opinion, on a shelf of 10 labeled bottles, 9 of which have images of flames, peppers, smoke....etc I'm almost going to guarantee the comical/gimmicky one would get picked first. Well I would anyway! Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm gonna just stick with it for a while and see how it goes. As for the aging part, I'm gonna figure that out.
I put quite a bit of thought of what to name it and what design to go with.
Apparently so has someone else. Did you do your research?
This one has the same name and even has almost the same image and slogan, and it's jolokia:


I felt that gimmicky is the best way to go. It's what sells really. Just my opinion, on a shelf of 10 labeled bottles, 9 of which have images of flames, peppers, smoke....etc
Not really. The gimmicky sauces usually get passed over. It usually means there was no thought put into the taste because they are relying on a gimmick.

A theme is different than a gimmick. Defcon has the Defense Conditions. Blair has Death. So on. These are not gimmicks, these are themes.

I don't see SofaKing working as a theme. It's a punchline. You chuckle once. And, it's been done already with almost the exact same label.

And more sofa king hot sauce puns:

I wish you luck but I'd start from scratch.
It sounds like you have been working on this sauce for a LOOONG time. Without tasting it, I (obviously ) can't make any comment about the sauce itself. If you've been perfecting the recipe for that long, you don't want to sell it short with a gimmicky label.

Where will you be processing and packing the sauce? Doing it yourself or using a co-packer? There are lots of great resources here on the THP forums.
Man, what a piss off!! I researched the crap out of the name but never EVER came across anything even close to what I had thought of. I might just have re think everything now...
As far as the packing goes, I have a friend of mine that's head chef at a Golf Club that's been letting use his kitchen (Nice Guy)
Just making it and bottling it there for now. Tastes Fantastic!! I'm sure most of them we make do!
If you're set on it, come up with a concept and release your Sofa King as a product in the line (making sure it's not like the other one). Maybe the King part can tie in to your overall theme. Royal Pain? Hmmm actually I like that. Royal Pain Sauces. But that other one existing is kind of a buzzkill.
It looks good, but the flames and "Hot Sauce" at the logo look way under-classed. it's a different level of sketching. looks like someone took the Sofa King logo with the artwork and added the really cheap flames and wrote "hot sauce".
Wow. I'm actually liking the Royal Pain idea! Its got a really nice ring to it! Appreciating the help guys. As far as the image design, it was all actually done by an elementary school friend of mine. He's a graphic designer now. There was no adding images to already existing ones
Wow. I'm actually liking the Royal Pain idea! Its got a really nice ring to it! Appreciating the help guys. As far as the image design, it was all actually done by an elementary school friend of mine. He's a graphic designer now. There was no adding images to already existing ones
Well you can see the guy knew what he's doing, but some of the elements are just not good as the rest.
@ Paulky_2000 - That's Hilarious! I'll be more than glad to sign some bottles for you. :rofl:

I would have actually just used my real name (Frank), but it looks as though someone beat me to it! :tear:
Wow. I'm actually liking the Royal Pain idea! Its got a really nice ring to it! Appreciating the help guys. As far as the image design, it was all actually done by an elementary school friend of mine. He's a graphic designer now. There was no adding images to already existing ones
No prob, we're here to help! And you know, it does not look taken! That's the theme, royalty. The King is just one sauce. I say go for it.

All kinds of other possibilities for sauces... prince of darkness, court jesters, medieval weapons.
This is the only sauce I've made over the years. Found a recipe that everyone liked and kinda stuck with it. I guess I should try to add a "Prince of Darkness" to the line up. :censored: ....20 more years to go! lol! I'm really liking the whole theme idea... It works nicely.
If you're serious get the domain name, the free website subdomain thing is not professional.