chinense Orange Bhut Jolokia?

I have been growing bhuts for five years, all from the same local nusery. This is the first year I've had an entire plant that produced orange chilies. Is it maybe a cross polination or prehaps a orange bhut jolokia?
Mine turned orange for about 1 day before turning red.

How long have they been orange (like the pic above)? Mine would sometimes stay orange for 1-2 weeks before going a reddish-orange and then finally red.
YES THERE IS AN ORANGE BHUT JOLOKIA!! i have a friend who used to grow it but it kinda washed out genetically speaking
i have one very close to it
i have cream sickle red its stays a creamy orange almost forever then turns red but not all turn red every time very strange?, i can only speculate that it is the result of the orange bhuts he used to have being to close to reds, but red is a dominant gene so i just dont really know??

yes there is a such thing as an orange bhut and they seem a little rare and many tend to turn red

thanks your friend Joe

That thread has link to paper published by Nagaland Agri university, which says red, orange, and chocolate pods are normal in Nagaland

The paper also has many other good information on Bhut Jolokia :P

I read this paper before some months and thought of travelling to Dimapur in Nagaland to get on the field experience, but keeping it on hold till next years harvesting season there (August - September), also I am still looking for a local friend or guide from that area as I don't speak the same language as that of Nagaland :rolleyes: (Yes in India almost every state has its own native language and only Hindi and English are partially spoken across the nation)
