I have never seen a surplus of Nitrogen cause yellowing of the leaves. One of the references I mentioned earlier mentions the abundance of foliage and dark green leaves:
Symptoms of Deficiencies and Toxicities by Element
I have also seen the space between the leaves increase and plants cease to bloom after transplanting a plant into a pot filled with Nitrogen laden fertiliser. The Capsicum Pubescens varieties and Capsicum Chinense varieties I have grown seem to have more particular nutrient requirements.
I had success potting up one of my over wintered orange Habaneros reusing the potting mix from another pot that contained an over wintered plant. I chose to reuse that potting mix as the plant that was growing in it depleted the Nitrogen in it.
The result is a compact bushy plant that didn't sprawl out:
Dense Habanero plant
In contrast one particular orange Habanero plant I grew last season sprawled and dropped the vast majority of its flowers with nil gain.
Do you have an photo of the entire plant like the one of mine?