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Orange Habaneros? Red Habaneros?

"Beginner that I am I put aside two "orange" Habaneros for drying before starting to our US-vacation. Meanwhile I read that they are extremely undryable. Three weeks later they had ripend to red and began to soften around the stem so they had to be used." That's what I wrote in the recipe in my profile.

I always thought that orange habs ripen from green to orange and red habs ripen from green to red.

Some other red chilis ripen from green directly to red. Others do the step over orange. What is the typical way habs do it? The two I was given as "orange" definitely ripend to red when off the bush. So when will I know on a plant of not precisely defined origin (my cousin gave me a seed mix of red and orange habs...) if the pods will end up orange or red? :?:
Orange habs will NEVER ripen to red. Red will go from green to red over the full spectrum of colors in between.
The full spectrum including orange? How do I decide if I got a fully ripened orange one or an only ripening red one in a stage in between? My cousin didn't mark the mixed seeds.
WELL oragne habs go from green to orange.Mine take about 10 days .The reds are a lil slower changing over and no they don`t go orange.The reds should almost be cherry color when they are ready.
So what kind of fruits did I have? They were fully orange, not greenish-orangeish speckled but full orange. They looked like pictures of orange habaneros I had seen before and like the orange habaneros I bought in Alabama one week later. And after three weeks they were fully red. They were given to me as "orange habaneros" which I now know wasn't true. But they had habanero shape.
My red habs "Orange stage" is much darker than my Orange Habs, also depending on the species, My Carribean red habs are light green pods that are semi errect, they point in ALL directions while my Orange habs are Dark Green and alwayse hang down below the leaves.

The Carb. Red leaves are also more rounder than the orange habs which tend to be more elongated.
Most of my red C. chinenses go through some sort of orange stage. You just have to wait to see what color they finish
My reds go through an orange transition from green to orange to red... BUT you can easily see some parts of them shifting to the red even when they are predominently orange or just begining to turn orange as a pepper doesn't shift colors all at once. Some parts might still slightly on the greenish hue but shifting into orange and the rippest orange areas already turning a red. I didn't have any part of an 'orange' phase not indicating a shift to red somewhere on a particular pepper.
Some of them will actually rainbow green/orange/red on the same pepper.

If you really are unsure, just leave them on the plant an extra week after they turn orange. Either they'll continue to change, or they wont.
you said the magic "Rainbow" word..wonder where she is...I bet she will be here in a few minutes.... :lol:
I had a plant this year that I thought was Orange habs, but they eventually turned red after I picked them.