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Orange Manzano

I started an Orange Manzano this season and for the entire season up to 8/28 (storm Irene) this plant had grew and then halted - when the storm was coming I moved it inside to a south facing window near my computer, hit it with some "Grow Big" nutes and some Epsom and it is taking off! it really is happy where it is - Now my question is... Since it seems to growing well I would like to keep it thru the winter should I cut it back ? or can I just let it do what its doing till spring and I can plant outdoors or maybe leave it where it is afterall, its happy.

Any thoughts?
Based on the conditions you have described:

Leave it there, and let it keep doing what it's doing!

If you are lucky, it may reward you with an early Spring first harvest of fresh pods! :cool:

Once the weather warms up next year, you can then decide what you want to do with it.

Many C. Pubs. produce few (or even 0) pods their first year (particularly when grown outside of their natural environment in more temperate climates with shorter growing seasons), but really start to take-off production-wise in their second year!
If your Z6 and your only source of lighting this time of year is "Mother Nature" then I'd cut it back a bit, that would slow it down and help prevent it from becoming leggy, through the winter.
If you hadn't repotted it with new potting soil yet, take the time to do so. Your plant will be revived, and the chance from bringing little nasties "in from the out" will make the grow more pleasurable.
How tall is it now, any flowers or fruit ?
Not very tall at all - It grew a little over 12" and halted and stayed that way with no other growth all season straight trunk and less than a dozen leafs and it was pale-ish green. When I brought it in because of the storm I have it in a South facing window and fed it Fox Farm Grow Big and a shot of Mg and new growth started, not up but out - no flowers or fruit and Im not giving it Big Bloom or Tiger Bloom and wasnt planning on it fruiting for the winter
Not very tall at all - It grew a little over 12" and halted and stayed that way with no other growth all season straight trunk and less than a dozen leafs and it was pale-ish green. When I brought it in because of the storm I have it in a South facing window and fed it Fox Farm Grow Big and a shot of Mg and new growth started, not up but out - no flowers or fruit and Im not giving it Big Bloom or Tiger Bloom and wasnt planning on it fruiting for the winter

Good,..then I'd overwinter it as is with some minor shaping,and

I'll bet if you treat it with "kid gloves" it will be kind to you and flourish next summer...
I hope so PIC 1 I grew it the same way as I had down with my Rocotto's. I've never had a problem with them producing every year. I guess I'll raise it as my own flesh and blood :cool:
I have an Orange Manzano coming up on 4 yrs old. I always trim it back. The shoots that produce are always the brand new spring shoots that pop out of old nodes. It also seems that it likes to be semi-rootbound to really start producing pods. I don't know the N content in grow big, but it won't need much until the spring. Hope it does well for you. If you get pods next year, Manzano Poppers are fantastic.