Orange Manzano

I was out Wednesday night to pick up some ham at one of our better grocery stores. and as I passed through the produce section, I wandered past the pepper section as I always do and noticed some large round orange peppers that I had not seen there before. the sign above said manzano peppers. Having never had one in the past, I gabbed one, bagged it and carried on.
Being the impatient type, it was not long after I got home that I was cutting into the pod to reveal the black seeds of the juicy sweet smelling thick walled pepper. the first two slices I sampled were sweet, juicy and pleasantly tasting, all things considered. they produced a warmth throughout the entire mouth that is my favorite type of burn. The third slice, (which unlike the prior two) contained a full rib of placenta. This slice revealed a whole new side of heat and taste that was unexpected compared to the first two samplings. It went from jalapeno heat to habanero heat in the same pod. This chili would make a great sweet salsa. What a way to spice up a cold fruit salad.
All in all, I really enjoyed the chili and look forward even more to growing it the season.
I had a few yesterday and, as always, the ribs and placenta blew me away with how hot they were. These are just fantastic peppers. 
In 2 of the peppers about 50% of all the seeds had germinated, so I threw them outside in a 20 gallon pot. I`d guess I put 50 seeds out there. 
Very interesting. I myself walked by the peppers last week and it was my wife who said why not try these. Of course me being the pepper expert said "naw, we got plenty of habs for salsa, besides never heard of that one". Now I have have to admit to my mistake and go back and get some. Thanks guys.
I've got three Orange Manzano plants in my greenhouse.  They were started in late January, and I'm still trying to ripen the pods.  I've got a bunch turning orange now . . . should be only another week.  I think I may just buy pods in the future - as they take forever in my area.  
Just sowed some Manzano seeds today.
Seeds from 4 peppers, but quite a few had already germinated! Then off into the pit o`dirt, outside on my potting bench. That`s where they`ll stay until I separate the seedlings. 



hottoddy said:
I've got three Orange Manzano plants in my greenhouse.  They were started in late January, and I'm still trying to ripen the pods.  I've got a bunch turning orange now . . . should be only another week.  I think I may just buy pods in the future - as they take forever in my area.  
I sow seeds in November and get the first crop around May-June. All pubecens seem to take a looong time to ripen.

SL3 said:
Very interesting. I myself walked by the peppers last week and it was my wife who said why not try these. Of course me being the pepper expert said "naw, we got plenty of habs for salsa, besides never heard of that one". Now I have have to admit to my mistake and go back and get some. Thanks guys.
Steve, I obtained these on tuesday, so do yourself a huge favor and rush out and get some!!!
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megahot said:
Awesome? Could I interest you in a trade for a few orange manzano seeds?
Absolutely! I may go and pick up some more pods on Saturday. PM me
I would have replied sooner but I am in the process of reorganizing my grow room for the Dec planting. LOTS of chili's in the plans.
Yup manzano's are pretty neat. Love the fleshiness to them. They're just such a pain to grow. Seems like they love abusive cold weather. lol
Yup manzano's are pretty neat. Love the fleshiness to them. They're just such a pain to grow. Seems like they love abusive cold weather. lol

Nice, I'll be giving them plenty of abuse up here!

I've hunted down 3 strains of pubes so far and cannot wait to grow them out. And then stuff 'em. Everything I hear about this species just sounds so good.

Shame they can't cross with chinense for a thick-walled super. That'd be killer.
Just finished gutting some pods for seeds. As I was harvesting the seed, my wife and I were eating the pieces. Really good flavor, with just enough heat not to overtake that flavor. Don't know how I ever missed this one. As I write this the wife is tossing the rest of the peppers in in with the potatoes, onions, longaniza and eggs.  I wish you all could be smelling what I'm smelling right now.  It's going to be a good breakfast this morning. 
I just got back from the market with 10 more Manzanos. They are going for 4.99 /lb. Or about .60 ea.
Definitely going to try to grow these. will be planting some this week.
I'm growing these this season, I have two going that I started in October that are doing great.  I have a suspicion they'll do fine in the summer here.  I've never grown C. pubescens before and I'm looking forward to a potential challenge.
Helvete said:
I'm growing these this season, I have two going that I started in October that are doing great.  I have a suspicion they'll do fine in the summer here.  I've never grown C. pubescens before and I'm looking forward to a potential challenge.
You're going to have a good time, Pubescens are very rewarding peppers to grow. The whole challenge thing is over rated IMO, they aren't that difficult to cultivate. You started your plants at just the right time, to accommodate your short growing season. Good luck on your grow!
Thegreenchilemonster said:
You're going to have a good time, Pubescens are very rewarding peppers to grow. The whole challenge thing is over rated IMO, they aren't that difficult to cultivate. You started your plants at just the right time, to accommodate your short growing season. Good luck on your grow!
I agree. I have no problem growing pubescens here, in fact I feel they take a little less tlc then chinense. I started another round of yellow manzano a week or so ago and I will have ripe pods by late August- early September.