Orange Manzano

Jase4224 said:
I've never tried these and wandering what they taste like. Are they comparable to the likes of anuums or chinense or different again? Just out of interest..
They have a very unique flavor and burn. Obviously, there are various cultivars with different flavors, colors, and heat profiles. The are great for stuffing and sauces. I always make sure to have room in my garden for rocoto plants.
Nice plant, chilemonster. I'm giving pubescens another go this year, I have a couple each of Canario, Giant Rocoto, and San Isidro. Now, whether I have space for all of them is another matter...

Hopefully they'll set fruit this time. The plants have always been big and healthy in the past, but I've had problems with blossom drop on pubescens. Last year was the first time I had one set fruit without issue, so, fingers crossed.