Origin of Super Chile Hybrid's

"....wouldn't it work well to cross something like an F3 back to one of the F1 plants(assuming you saved a plant/seed)? is there some sort of problem this causes that it wouldn't work? I would think that would give you a plant almost the same as the F1."

That can help if it's a simple 2 parent cross....but it's my guess that Super Chili Hybrid is a multi-parent cross as evidenced by the high rate of variability reported in the link I posted above....it that case, back-crossing isn't so reliable.


a high rate of variability can't be correlated with a multi-parent cross.
This continues to be a fun and informative thread! I'll be able to contribute more in around 5 weeks, when I get some pods, assuming that these F2''s will mature in 60 days like their parents. If not, we will have to wait a little while longer. In any event, I will post some pics during thre July 4th weekend, as I will get to visit the family garden.
a high rate of variability can't be correlated with a multi-parent cross.

If you make a cross with just AxB theres only so much unique genetic information.
If you make a cross with (AxB)x(CxD) theres twice as much unique genetics that could show up in future generations...

maybe if the hybrid parents were fully stabilized it wouldn't matter... but I doubt many people would take the time to do that.
There are rules. It would just be a cross, not a true hybrid with hybrid vigour and homogenous f1s. True hybrids are the f1 cross of 2 different stable parents
There are several different types of hybrids.

Single cross hybrids are the first generation of progeny resulting from a cross between purebred parents.
Double cross hybrids are the progeny resulting from a cross between two single cross hybrids .
Three-way cross hybrids are the progeny from a cross between a single cross hybrid and an inbred line.
Triple cross hybrids are the progeny resulting from the crossing of two different three-way cross hybrids.
Population hybrids are progeny of a cross of one population with another population, e.g. difference races.
Interspecific hybrids are are the progeny resulting from the mating of two species.

I was taught that tecnically only f1's are true hybrids but I guess its just a name, and I guess my info may be dated :)
There are rules. It would just be a cross, not a true hybrid with hybrid vigour and homogenous f1s. True hybrids are the f1 cross of 2 different stable parents

as I understand it hybrid vigor is the result of 2 *differnt* plants being crossed. the bigger the differnces the better the hybrid vigor. like if you crossed a C. annuum with something else I would bet it would be more vigorious then a cross with just C. annuum genetics.

and acually, a double cross(or even a quadruple cross) will produce fairly homogenous F1s (im fairly sure)... tho the F2 and further generations would be crazy.

hybrids can get quite complex...
I'm not sure if it is more appropriate to "bump" this thread, with pics of the F2's, as they look now, or to start a new thread, but am simply posting here. It has been 34 days since I transplanted the peppers in the garden. I'm not yet accusing them of breeding true, however the few peppers that are now visible, look EXACTLY like their parents from last season, small and growing upright. In addition, it looks like I will have some ripe peppers in 3 weeks or less, so the short growing season characteristics of their parents have been passed down as well. I'm not sure what the image per post limit is, so I will link to 4 pics here, then reply a few times.




Not everything is growing true:

I just found these:



I picked up two "Super Chile" plants from the local nursery, and the pods are hanging down on both instead of growing straight up. :rolleyes: I'm thinking maybe the nursery they get the plants from tried to save seed from the F1s not knowing they're a hybrid.