
I read in a seed site that all peppers are edible. This confuses me because why is the term ornemental used then? If it is edible, why would you only want to grow it to look at? Anyone grow Purple Flash? is it edible, or just ornemental? :confused:
some aren't even hot at all. not pungent. no smell, bad tasting, no heat.

some have decent heat but taste like crap.
I've seen some ornamental pepper plants that look so nice you wouldn't *want* to pick any peppers off. Then again, ornamental types tend to produce so many peppers, a bunch of them removed will barely make a difference. I've got two ornamental plants--a NuMex Twilight and a Vietnamese Multicolor--and I'm not sure if I'll even bother eating any of their peppers. I'm reluctant to try any because I've heard (as mentioned above) that they taste like crap, and really... they were bred purely for appearance instead of flavor anyway. I'd be surprised if they were as nasty as that rhubarb I tried a couple nights ago, though... or whiskey.
I have grown and tried to eat several different ornamentals and to me, they taste like dirt...my favorite to look at so far is the purple tiger...great varigation on all the leaves...

hers a pic of one from the 2008 season...


the purple flash (or what ever it was) that SS posted a pic of is a gorgeous plant...
Plants labelled as ornamentals are usually bred only for appearance which is why they usually taste terrible
The Fish isn't really an ornamental, I believe its actually a genetic mistake which some people find pretty. I personally find the variegation or lack of chlorophyl makes them look sick or diseased
its a genetic malady for sure P
I disagree with this,I breed years back ornamental I call "Patuljak" from Serbian language means "Dwarf".
Plant is one on world smallest plant only 20 cm long by 30 cm wide,plant produces heavy loads of 2.3 cm long by 0.5cm wide very fiery little devils,plant have white flowers & mature from light green to orange when mature.This is how little pods look.Wright now I have one plant in my Aero garden flowering,this is one of my favor little plant.
