• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Orrevs 2011 grow log

This year i am growing to sell pods and to learn to grow effective. I live on a farm in sweden. I have a normal work and this crazy chili growing hobby ;)
It started with 1 plant first year, then 3 plants, then 25 plants and last year around 80 plants. I will grow them in my greenhouse and outside.
Mostly in containers 10L ones and few plants in 18L i also gonna try some grow bags i bought for fun to see if its any good.

And i want to point out a BIG BIG BIG BIG thanks to smokemaster who really helped me out and went out and bought a heating mat for me and went true alot of trouble to get it to me!!!

And it might get a bit hard to read its late and i am tired ;) But i will post alot of pictures as always ;))

This year i am planning to have 2 plants per variety of what i am growing.And there is alot of fun varsity to try so there will be alot!

Anyway here goes the start i planted some seeds 2st of jan.

I list in this order NAME, seeds put in dirt, how many that came up that i will save

Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate x1 (spourted!!!!)
Trinidad Scorpion x10 (got 5 plants of it now)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T x10 (will save 5 plants)
Antalais Caribbean x6 (none spourted so far 3weeks in dirt)
Fatalli Red x3 (1 poped up)

7pot Primo -cmpman x5 (got 4 plants of it)
Yellow Bhut Jolokia x10 (gonna save 6 plants)
Bhut Jolokia x20 (got alot of diff sources of this one so saving 2 per strian total of 8 plants)
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia x10 (saving 4 plants)
Chocolate Fatalii x3 (saving 2 plants)
Morouga Yellow x3 (got 1 plant)
T S CARDI Yellow x10 (got 5 plants prob grow them all out)
T Scorp Morouga Yellow x5 (1 spourted so far)
Trinidad Douglah x5 (2 diff sources growing 2 per source total of 4 plants)
7pot Brain strain x10 (got from 3 diff sources growing 1 per source)
7Pot Barrackpore x3 (Growing 1 plant)
7pot pod White x5 (gonna try to grow as many as i can but the seed cap wont fall off so atm only 1 plant)
Hab Harold's St Bart x3 (2 plants)
Datil x3 (1 plant)
Bonda Ma Jaque x3 (2 plants)
Chiltepin x3 (1 plant)
Dorset Naga x2 (2 plants)
Fatalii yellow x2 (1 plant)
Red Lantern x2 (2 plants)
Naga Morich x2 (2plants)
Pimenta da Neyde x2 (2 plants)
Pimenta da Neyde x Dorset naga x5 (1 spourted ;))) my first cross)
Pimenta da Neyde x Aji amarillo x3 (none so far)
Red savina x3 (saving 1 plant only)


C. Lanceolatum x3 (none so far)
Mini mini
Heart thromb
CAP 1144 (C. praetermissum)

Next batch i will sow i will do tomorrow!

All the Annuums and C.Bacc and C.Frut will get in dirt i think its over 50 variants i havent made up my mind yet ;)

Pictures will come......
Trindidad Scorpion Yellow CARDI


Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon plant

Bhut Carbon's are big producers, I'm constantly picking off pods

They sure are and so hot. I just love to grow them. My season is 1-2 weeks from end time. So i just let those ripe then i will cut the plant back and save it for winter and next year put it in a 5 gallon pot.
Looking very nice lots of pods can't wait to get growing them next season :dance:

I just cant wait for next season, i had a bad year for sure. But next year i will do stuff diffrent and also grow outside and not just in my greenhouse.

It will be great! ;)
I use biogrow and use as much as the packet says....THey got a very good table. And when i want the plant to bloom out i use BioGrow and BioBloom once it start to set pods i stop the biogrow and only use Biobloom.

Also on some plants i also use Topmax but only on the ones i really want loads of pods of as its quite expensive.
Oscar, your plants looking great!!!! You have alot of variety also. Have you ate/tried any or all that you planted???? Keep up the great work my friend.
