Oscars's - grow season 2010

Hello am kinda new to hot peppers i started last year and was hooked stright away!
This year i am using a homemade cutting board, with an 200w CFL.

I also just bought a 400w HPS lamp. We seems to have a veary long winter this year (live in sweden).
So it kinda sucks. Some of the plants are growing veary big in a short time.

My fav so far is CAP 220 i have two of those plants they are growing with rocket speed.
Also the most pretty one is the Pimenta da Neyde.

I gonna upload pics later on today with my setup. Atm am transfering some plants from cutting board to pots. I plan on having Champion,CAP 220,Naga morish,Aju Cristal,Jalapeno Hercules,Inka red drop in 2 ebb flow systems i made, also plan on having 4x10l buckets with air pumps just cant decide for which plants yet ! Prolly some baccum. Any advice?

I also gonna try make a test Just for fun, use some good expensive fertz vs some cheap crap.
And check if its really worth it.

This year gonna be intressting, and prolly take ALOT of time. I already have a work, so its just and fun hobby ;) Last year i had around 25-30 plants.

I will have most one in a greenhouse, but some outside and even inside my house.
When the batterys are loaded in my cam i will upload some cool pictures from the cutting board.

Here is my list of the plants that are growing atm, most have garminted. But some are still in the ground waiting for popup.

Pasilla Bajio
Peter pepper
De Arbol
Short Yellow Tabasco
Jalapeno, Hercules
CAP 1042
Peperonchino Red
Black Scorpion Tongue
Chiluacle Negro
Jalapeno, Purple
Jalapeno, Early
Hungarian Hot Cherry
Santa Fe Grande
Jalapeno, TAM (MILD)
Ancho Grande
Bulgarian Carrot
Costeno Amarillo
Cherry pepper
Aji Cristali Blanco
Purple Tepin
Bird`s Eye Baby
Heat Wave
Korean hot

Siberian house pepper
Chinese Multicolor
Jamaican Bell
Cayenne golden
Large red charry

Etiopiskt pepparträd
Calabria Cornetto
Hana Matasuri

Aji Habanero
CAP 220
Criolla Sella
PI 260560
Chinchi Uchi
Aji Cristal
Aji Peru
Aji Panca
Bishops Crown
Hot lemon
Inca Red drop
Aji Amarillo
Jamaican hot chocolate
Pevy Yellow (Wrong spelled?)
Pimenta Cambuci

Habanero White
Goat Weed
Habanero Yellow Bumpy
Pink Habanero
Sucre Fuego hab.
Trinidad Scorpion
Naga Morich
Indian Pc1
Scotch Bonnet Red
Habanero, Red
Scotch Bonnet Orange
Pimenta da Neyde
Red savina
Bih Jolokia
Trinidad Scorpion, Morouga Blend
Habanero Black Congo
Dorset Naga
Habanero, Mustard
7 Pod

To lazy to check them up ;)

Charry bomb
Piri Piri
Satans Kiss
Varigated flash

C. pubescens
Hyper Pube (CAP 217)
Rocoto, Red Peruvian

Ulupica, Large (C. cardenasii var. pendulum)
This is where i grow my seedlings and garminates them.

Heatlamp and a 200w CFL

22 jan

after 11 days..
10th feb

The cutting board.....
They was just inserted here.

14th feb

more pics will come took some today but need to load the camera ;)
This is how it looks like today, 2010-03-11
In cutting board.


This is how it looks like..... under...

Ok, been a week in Egypt so my brother and mother was taking care of my little things.

When i come back 3 had died (my own fult) so it was ok just small seedlings.

But wow!! Its likea jungle i need to repott them all!!

Heres a pic of how it looked like


Also i took a pic of some buitiful flower before i pinched it off

Sorry to hear you lost a few plants Oscar. The rest of them are looking great.

The flower is beautiful, thanks for posting the picture.

Did the seeds I send you show up yet?
patrick said:
Sorry to hear you lost a few plants Oscar. The rest of them are looking great.

The flower is beautiful, thanks for posting the picture.

Did the seeds I send you show up yet?

Thanks, no the seeds havent showed up yet. How long ago did you send? I know it normaly takes like 2 weeks for the post to get here from USA.
I Will try update a bit more later on, just transfered my Trinidad Scorpion, Morouga Blend from cuttingborad to 10l bucket.

Tommrow i will transfer the 7pod getting to big for cutting board ;)
Ok, an update is in place.

Got no camera atm my bros girl stole it! ;p So i have to wait til shes done with it!

The plants are producing flowers all day long and i pinch them off as fast as i can.

I allow 3 plants to produce pots. Purple purvan, Cayenne golden, and bird eye baby. And one more plant that i dont really know what it is. Was from a "?" seed. No cross at least.
I allow them to flower as i kinda forgot to pinch them off and it already produced some fruits so i dident have heart to take them off!

My HPS lamp exploded kinda (after 300h) so i got a new one from the supplier a 600w lamp. I dont use it, as i got one 400w from a friend in birthday present ;)

So question is Shold i put in the 600w lamp insted? Or is it just waste of watts? its like 1.5x1.5m i use it for.

And i just love HYDRO!! I have 5 DWC in 10 L buckets 1week ago i planted Aji cristali in one of them and now it got massive roots. VEARY cool!

Ohwell will upload some pics asap!

And last, i put down some more seeds in dirt and some in rockwool. But i think i killed 3 more seedlings :( Forgot to water them for 2 days. Trinidad Seasoning and tabasco and one more i cant remeber the name of now.

GRRRRRR i spend like 1-3h a day on the plants and still i forget to do the most simplest thing water some small seedlings.

I cant wait til i can put them all out in the greenhouse i got no room left. And i cant repott the last 30 plants due to space issu. Is this a problem? or will it just stunn the growth til i repott? Or will the plant stop to grow even when i repott it?

Also i asked in the forum if i shold pinch of the buds or not. But i think i will do it until they are in there final pot and been there for 2 weeks. Then i will stop pinching them off.
Hi there. I hope you realise that a 600w bulb won't work with a 400w ballast. I don't mean to patronise you if your aware, just a friendly warning.

Heres a hyper pube flower


Hungarian hot charry:


Did anyone say jungle?


Some plants in the cuttingboard under 200w CFL


I have put out 1 tomato plant into the greenhouse today to check if it will die or not. i will have it in there for 3 days. If it do good. I will start put out the biggest chili plants to make room for repoting some another chilis.
Mybe i shold have posted this in the first post but better late then never.

The good stuff!

And the cubes
