Our first pepper plant - Scotch Bonnet

Our first pepper plant - Scotch Bonnet
While re-doing the front landscaping at our Condo, we found an purchased a Scotch Bonnet plant at the local nursery as it was already a good size and healthy looking.
Brought her home, replanted her into a large pot, added Miracle Gro potting soil (moisture control), and she started out pretty good, I think we got about a dozen peppers off it and I ate all but two, gave my buddy two as he likes hot peppers.
Then we had some bug problems.  Purchased the Organicide and mixed to recommendations and now our plant looks healthy but it's not producing any peppers?   Any suggestions?
Here's some pictures...
After transplanting to a pot...

Getting some peppers, a few seem sickly, look in the back, left of the front peppers...



Local ants seem to like the rotten ones, we picked them off and the ant problem seem to go away.





And we have the dreaded white flies...


I took this picture just a few hours ago.  The plant is looking healthy just no peppers?


mineral oil will get rid of those aphids and white flies. Dose it up with some nutes to try to kick start production. Hope this helps! Good luck, and nice plant!
I have had excellent results by hand spraying with a solution of:
-about 2 tablespoons of Murphy Oil Soap 'Clean and Shine with Orange extract' (98% natural)
per pint of warm water. Spray thoroughly under all leaves and the soil surface  .
I think it's best to spray before the sun gets up - I repeated after a couple of days and it did the trick.
This also worked on plants I overwintered in my garage.  Bonus was it did NOT seem to damage my ladybugs.
Some people suggest adding about 4 oz. of Isopropyl alcohol for a better mix and enhanced wetting action.
This makes sense, I did not do it but may in the future.
Are there anymore buds/flowers at all ? Does your pot sit in direct sunlight constantly? It's easy to overheat your roots and this will affect growth. I'll assume your pot has a hole(s) in the base of it so not to get waterlogged. I normally water mine some daily(sometimes everyother) to cool the root system.
Be patient, some flowers might have fell off during transplant and the stress of the aphids.  More will grow back and you wont know what to do with all of them.