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container Outdoor containers and root zone temps....

Some good info there ... I think ill just stick to lighter colored pots from here on out just to be safe bit as you said its probably fine here in flag. Now out growing season...on the otherhand ...is a big problem.

Maybe I should move to phoenix lol
OZZZ said:
I hear ya.

Im interested in hearing from container growers that dont do anything about it, and if they have any issues or not (along with what their temps are?). I see pics all over this and other forums with people doing container grows and none of them have any sort of bucket cover or shade protection of any kind so Im wondering how much it really matters... especially with my mid 80's-low 90's summer highs <--- which arent near as hot as many places.

I see all kinds of grows with the containers just sitting out in the open. Ill probably do something to try and shield the buckets just to be thorough, and I realize of course temps get hotter in the buckets which could have an affect... but if it was really that big a problem all these pics I see of peoples container plants would all have covers over the containers.... and none do.

So whats the deal all you container gardeners? Do you use bucket covers or protection of some sort? If not, do you have any problems? What are your summer temps like?
Some people deal with it by using very large containers, like over 15 gal, but that becomes expensive.