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water Over or Under Watered? looking bad

So I neglected a bunch of my new seedlings a little bit back, and now a few of them look very bad.

is this overwatering or underwatering, or to much light? I have them under daylight flourescent

and will these recover? I had some dropping leaves today.

I would almost have to say overwatered, I had bottom fed them once and didnt really pay to much attention.
Then right after I had roots coming through the cup all ready weeks before the last batch had that happen, into the feed cup, and the ones that look nice, have not had the roots stretch out to the bottom of the cup yet.
Im gonna say over water for sure man i had a few like that. They have nute lock out. My two cents bro. Mine never came back :( i wish you luck though man.
Look like heaps of mine bro. Nute lockout that occured due to my use of ironbark floor sandings in my dirt.
Give them bigger pots with fresh soil, mine seem to be recovering very slowly. Nute lock out is a fudging turd in ya burger, i was warned though. Oh well live and learn.
Ah, is that what it is, nute lockout? I've had a few little fellas do it to me this season too. :(

A quick Q to anyone who knows... I know in such cases as nute lockout the problem with the soil will have to fixed but if a plant is suffering from it, will a good foliar feeding act as a temporary fix?
I had ones that looked like this, I was overwatering. I carefully rinsed all the soil off the roots with a spray of very mild H2O2 and repotted them and they responded well.

I don't think a foliar feed is going to cut it, might work for a day or two but if they have been overwatered then that problem will continue. When they are that small they take any hit badly and might never recover.

I'd advise repotting and don't bottom water. Make sure the mix drains really well and top water sparingly, try not to get too much water on the leaves either. Sick plants and damaged leaves are more susceptible to fungus etc.
I don't think a foliar feed is going to cut it, might work for a day or two but if they have been overwatered then that problem will continue.
I did say temporary... :P

I know it depends on the cause of the nute lockout, and I know the problem needs to be fixed to have any chance, but I was wondering if a foliar feeding would at least help for some other causes of nute lockout too... such as a soil pH issue, or bad soil additive as in Nova's case? Or does the plant being in bad soil mean no type of fertilization is going to help?
Foliar feeding with a Chilli Focus and Seasol mix seemed to turn my leaves yellower. I am just letting them do their thing without worrying too much. Like the MAD guy, what me worry? :D