• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

over-wintering ghost

So I got a late start this past summer and didn't get my Ghost planted until late May. The place I was living didn't have a yard, so it was potted and didn't get much light on the patio. It didn't start flowering until I moved in august and it started getting more sun, and then we had our first snow a couple days ago, So I decided I'm over wintering it. I've never done this before so I was hoping for some advice. I built a green-house outside it can spend some time in, I've got a couple of big windows it can sit by, and my roommate has a grow light that I'll be able to start using a few months from now.
ps, I'm getting error 406 when I try to attach a photo.
Do a little searching on the forum.
There are some excellent pinned
threads on how to prep OWs. Try
Growing Hot Peppers section.
Hope you get to save it.
K1ng_k1ller said:
So I decided I'm over wintering it. I've never done this before so I was hoping for some advice. I built a green-house outside it can spend some time in, I've got a couple of big windows it can sit by, and my roommate has a grow light that I'll be able to start using a few months from now.
Great advice by PaulG:
PaulG said:
Do a little searching on the forum.
Hope you get to save it.
Try searching in this thread.> The Comprehensive Guide to Over-Wintering
ghost is doing well still has a bunch of flowers, but finally set two peppers.
I Brought it in on a window sill for the week of cold weather, then re-potted with 1/3 normal soil, 1/3 grass clippings, and 1/3 compost, then added some fresh fertalizer. now its back outside and doing well.
still cant do pictures though, may try from another computer.