seeds Overheated Seeds

I posted this question in my Glog but this is probably a wider audience.
I think I've had my first d'oh moment of the season.  My second round seed plantings have been on the back porch in the germination trays now for about 10 days.  Over the past week it's gotten progressively hotter.  I happened to be home mid-day yesterday and the soil temperature was reading 96'F in one of the trays.  Have I inadvertently cooked this batch of seeds?  I've removed them from the area and put them inside the house conditioned space, how long should I wait to see any revival or should I just replant this batch?
I did some investigative archeology and I don't see any sprout activity in any of the cells.  They've been in the germination trays now for 9 days.  Everything has definitely stayed moist.
I did the same thing after just sowing some seeds in their cups on the patio. I meant to bring them in immediately and put them on their heat pad, but got pulled away and busy doing something else and completely forgot. By the time I remembered it was 103 in the shade and they were starting to get direct sun. I brought them in and took the soil temp. It was 98 degrees. Thought I cooked them all for sure. So far after 10 days I got 8 out of 15 cups sprouting. Hang in there who knows. 