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overwintering Overwinter inside

Sighh fall is almost here and those of us in a multi season climates have to bring in our plants (lucky BamaJack :P) Currently they're in pots but can I cut them down for winter or whats gonna get them to survive and make it to next April? Plant light?
I dragged my pots into my workshop and overwintered them, and got a few pods to boot, and a very early start on the season. Used Floros, and southern facing windows for light.
Bring indoor once night time temperature dips under 50 F
Use Full Sun Flourescent Bulbs
Keep indoor Temperature at 75 F
Get Ladybugs to eat aphids
I actually leave mine right were they are at and just cut them back a bit. One of the few good reasons left to live in Cali is the weather.
last year i cut my scorpion cardi down to almost nothing, just 2 stalks about 5 inches high. put it in the basement with only block glass windows and only watered it maybe 20 oz's a month and it survived. pods were hotter than last year too.
The basements my only option. Not much light, but I have a quite a few grow lights. Watering once a month sounds like a good plan. I'm going to try and winter about a doz plants.
This will be my first year trying to over winter my smaller plants will be in a small plastic greenhouse indoors with a T5 light and my larger plants I will move indoors and place them under a CFL for tropical terrariums and see how that works out if I need to I can quickly switch to a T5 or T8 or something else… Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Cayenne Peppers and Bhut Jolokia