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overwintering overwinter question

hello this is my fisrt post here. My name is nick, I am new to growing peppers this is my first season and i am getn into it. learning alot and read about overwintering them. I would like to keep a few of the strong plants that i have and try it.
I live in california with mild winters and am thinking of building a greenhouse to keep them alive. I was thinking of just the quick and eazy pvc and plastic to do it. would they live without any electric heat or light? and if so would I need to cut them back and go dormint or let them keep growing?
Based on your average low temperature, I would grow outdoor year round. Now, I only looked up your average low and only know as much as I have read. It seems that you barely get below freezing in Yuba. If that is the case then you can over-winter outdoors in a greenhouse type structure. If you like to grow in pots then only bring them in on nights when you are expecting temps lower than freezing or so or put them in an enclosed structure overnight when you are expecting freezing.
I do have them in pots for this reason and yes it hardly freezes here on average. I will try the simple greenhouse and see what happens this winter.
Sorry if this sounds bumb but do I still need to trim them down or do i leave them be and let them grow and bear fruit all winter in the greenhouse?
I would let them be, grow and be happy all winter if you can. Most of us cannot but if you can grow all year than more power to you.
They need light! temps should stay above 50 degrees, although they will tolerate temps around 40-50 for a short period of time. So depending on temps and amount of light they would get will determine whether you should keep em indoors or out. If they are left in freezing temps ( around 32) they could possibly die.
Almost all plants grow pretty well as long as the night temps do not go below freezing. If your day time high temps do not go much above 40 I would bring them in, but if you get day time highs into the 50s and nights not below freezing then I would not worry about them being outside.