overwintering Overwintered Hab dying?

My hab that I overwintered has looked like it is about to die for the past week. I've had it indoors since late October and it's been fine! It just dropped its last leaf and the last green stalk on it is starting to turn yellow. What could be wrong? It gets a fair amount of sunlight and I infrequently water it.
Also, it never looked as good after I had to battle the aphids on it
Spring is right around the corner bud! If i was you i would cut that dead stuff off and put light on it and try and bring it back. I had one that was looking real bad and that's what I did and the plant is budding now.. That's under hid but I'm sure a few daylight cfls or t8s would work fine if its just sleeping. Idk... I'd wait and see what other advice you get tho. Could be something I don't know about cause I'm still far from an expert on this subject.
One of mine looked pretty bad, no green left whatsoever but I've been sticking it outside on nice days and giving it nutes and it's getting the green color back into it.  I did trim off the dead stuff.  If it's still green it should be still alive. :)
You left some really long stems on that. I would cut it down some more and leave it in as sunny a spot as you can find. You'd be surprised how resilient these plants are.
Two of my overwinters were cut down to about 6 inches and were just sticks. Kept them in a mini green house next to a south/southwest facing window and they started putting out new leaves several weeks ago. My home is not centrally heated either; nights dip to about 5c inside and top off between 15-20c during the day.
filmost said:
You left some really long stems on that. I would cut it down some more ...
I'll dissent on that. I've cut some down to about 6 inches tall, and I've also cut down to about 24" tall. Both were fine. Otherwise agree with your post - don't give up!
Something to consider is your soil might have a fungus. Water it a few times with a mix of 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide (3%) to 1 gallon of water. That will likely kill any fungus in the soil and also the plants like it.
... and if you don't have a fan on it, get one.