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overwintering Overwintered Peppers

Well, it was the warmest winter I've experienced in PC - wierd since last year it was the coldest. So, overwintering was very simple although I did lose a couple of plants (Bhuts).

7 Pot - This is by far the best tasting of the super hots in my opinion.


Grenada Hot - This plant is similar to the CR and is one of the most robust Chinense that I grow each year. If you look close, you can see a self-germinated baby at the bottom. One of the advantages in using rich compost as a top dressing....


Datil - You're not a true Floridian if you don't grow this one - I love the fruitiness.


Besler's Cherry - I very impressed with this 4 year old plant. It threw off virile seeds that germinated in the soil below it and some of those plants can be seen in the black pot in the foreground. This is one of the most cold-hardy plant's I've grown.


Caribbean Reds - An interesting duo since the plant on the left was originally in the pot on the right that contains the mother plant that threw off seeds and gave birth to two plants - one of which didn't make it through a dry spell when I was out of town.... I would say this is one of my top 3 favorite varieties in the Chinense family.......


Pimento de Padron (left) and Big Jim - I don't normally have success with Annums through the winter but did this year. However, the Pimento de Padron is actually 3 years old.


Pima Bajo Chiltepin - another fairly cold - hardy plant.

Great plants, Bob_B! Nice to be able to overwinter those babies!
Thanks everyone!

The only seeds I germinated this year were Tabasco seeds I got from Avery Island last year during a visit to the Tabasco Store.

Happy growing!