overwintering Overwintered plant, before and after!

Just thought I'd share this with you guys and gals, I was very glad I was able to help it thrive again. 

From the pics, the original plant was re-potted ?
And if so... good call !!   The first pics shows a plant that is clearly in distress. Like almost dead.
The second pic looks like a completely different plant!!  Not even sure I can say it is the same plant !!!  Glad you were able to resurrect the near dead plant.... peppers to come ! 
Happy Growing,
MNXR250R said:
From the pics, the original plant was re-potted ?
And if so... good call !!   The first pics shows a plant that is clearly in distress. Like almost dead.
The second pic looks like a completely different plant!!  Not even sure I can say it is the same plant !!!  Glad you were able to resurrect the near dead plant.... peppers to come ! 
Happy Growing,
Thanks Jeff! The first pic is right after it got repotted. Before the fabric pot, it was in a crappy little plastic pot and the roots were rotting, it was so gross. Like black goop and the smell of rot. I had left it in the garage and completely forgot about it. It was only getting by by the little amount of sun getting through the garage window. I couldn't believe it survived so long. The reason the soil looks different on the second pic is because it got a new layer of compost between the first and second. 
qandeel said:
Looking very good. It is even having some pods. What treatment did you give it to bring back to a new life?
Thanks! So far I've gotten 1 pod out of it. Repot to fabric pot, trimmed off the dead branch, trimmed the root ball and washed out the old dirt, replanted in a mix of perlite, compost and some sand on the bottom so it wouldn't fall over in the wind. Other than that, fish emulsion, water, sun and time. 
Looks like it's just now decided to start blooming like crazy! It's pretty late though. I brought it into my greenhouse, but I doubt it will have enough time for me to get much out of it. I'm just glad it's alive. 