overwintering Overwintered plant leaves issue?

I have overwintered two chilli plants from last season. They started growing, but they don't seem to be too healthy to me. Leaves are not green as they should be, at least not whole leaves, they have paler spots. It's not drastic as it could be, but I am kind of worried I would transfer possible disease to this year's seedlings. Leaves look something like this, some are even more yellowish. There are some little leaves that dried out and fell off, but ... the same... not many. I would guess it just started to grow it's roots and have some nutrient related issues that will go away. Anyone with more XP?
You wrote overwintered but didn't tell us anything about the prep for that or environment during overwintering. A random guess would be that they're still in the same soil which is now depleted of some nutrients. Have you given them any fertilizer and if so, what, and/or repotted them in fresh soil?

There is no obvious sign of parasitic, communicable disease that would spread to seedlings right now, unless their health continues to get worse and that leads to onset of bacteria or fungus.
Changed the soil when I planted it again, and I washed the roots too, to prevent any infection. Soil was bought and it was supposed to be for peppers, tomatoes and similar veggies. I will plant them into raised bed when it gets warmer and I'll use some more peat and gravel, It might be too compact for my liking, gets crappy when too dry and shitty when too wet. I guess you might be right and the reason is nutrient availability. They had lost some of the roots and both just came from dormancy. I'll wait a couple of weeks and see if they get better or worse, Hopefully by that time, I'll be able to plant them outside again, finally :)
My experience last year was a lot of leaf drop and color change when I brought them out from the basement, followed by a lot of blossom drop and undersized pods.

The next wave though was normal, and the plant started pumping out the pods. You have to remember too that the plant focuses on spreading the roots once you put it up too, so it refocuses its resources to that.