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overwintering Overwintered

I'm pretty sure this is not how you do it. Don't you love this weather?


Yeah, I wish I could crush up a bunch of the dried peppers in the cabinet and they would release their heat. Probably not as bad as you (we are in Cincy) but it's going to be the coldest night in two years tonight (-4).

OK, heres the rest of my overwintered collection. The small plant in the upper right hand corner is actually my volunteer pepper plant. It never produced any buds but it did come up from the previous year. I wish I would have thought sooner and really overwintered it even though it was just an ornamental variety. Anyone else ever had a volunteer pepper plant?



This is a Black Pearl

I had a yellow bullet Hab last year that was sickly and only brightened up at the end of the season. It never produced pods that year and for some reason I took pity and overwintered it.

The pods were small, but the next year, it produced easilly ten times more pods than any other plant, including other small pod varieties.

It was delicious too, but picking all of those pods was enough of a PITA to ruin me on the mini peppers.
thepodpiper said:
Anyone else ever had a volunteer pepper plant?

All the time.

I had a Puppy Pepper in the garden in '06, and last summer I got a volunteer from it. Puppy peppers are very mild, I usually grow them so my mother can claim to eat chilies. So, one hot day last fall, the Puppy Au Pair was helping me in the garden and plucked a Puppy pepper to eat, because Puppy peppers..mild..ok to munch.

Ah, well, I hadn't really thought about it, but the '06 Puppy pepper was planted between the Chocolate hab and the Bhut Jolokia. There was a muffled scream, she spit the pepper out, and commenced with the Hot Pepper Dance. The Hot Pepper Dance, for those of you without 15 year-old female pepper wussies under foot, is performed by sticking your tongue out and frantically fanning it with your hands whilst prancing in a small circle and emitting shrill squeals and moans.

I took her inside and gave her some sugar to put on her tongue followed by a little yougurt and shortly she was fine.

Now, have we all learned a lesson about cross-breeding and the importance of pure seed?
thepodpiper said:
Anyone else ever had a volunteer pepper plant?

Yes, quite a few but I've only got a picture of this one as it's getting dark now.

I left the rubbishy ones outside in the snow we had and in lots of frosts after the snow like this.

millworkman said:
: Raises hand :

"Whats a volunteer?"

: Places hand on lap :

A pepper that just grows on its own from seed that was left in the garden or brought in by birds. You don't plant it, it "volunteers" to grow.

Not just peppers, any plant really, I have yellow currant tomatoes that pop up all over the garden and lemon basil that's worse than kudzu.