overwintering Overwintering Believer

This past winter was my first attempt at overwintering and I'm forever a believer. Last year I didn't harvest a ripe reaper until October. I brought a few plants in late fall, overwintered,  and I picked my first ripe reapers today from those plants. August 2nd roughly 60 days earlier! Like all of you have been saying, by all means it pays to overwinter. Besides the reapers, I have  habanero and fatalli plants absolutely loaded with pods
Heck yeah! Where did you overwinter? Inside by a window, artificial lights... I want overwinter a few plants I want to do it in a unheated garage.
Those look awesome. Out of 30+ plants I overwintered only a handful made it. I have one very large Red Moruga bush from last year that refuses to flower . You definitely have got it figured out.
Thanks guys.
I followed the OW guide on this site. Plants were cut back but I left a good amount of foliage, sprayed with Neem before bringing inside. I kept the plants upstairs in our house which was probably averaging  in the low to mid 60's and I kept the plants near windows. Natural light was their light source. And I watered them as the plants dictated but I kept them on the dryer side and fed the some MG in March.
One nute I swear by and I have been using for many years on all my plants is SPRAY-N-GRO which I sprayed every other week.
SL3 said:
Those look awesome. Out of 30+ plants I overwintered only a handful made it. I have one very large Red Moruga bush from last year that refuses to flower . You definitely have got it figured out.
SL- If you have a moruga bush, I would say she'll have to produce buds soon!