Hey all-
This was my first year growing peppers and also my first try overwintering them. I pruned them back to bare stumps between 2 and 6 inches leaving no foliage at all about 6 weeks ago. Almost all of them have new growth on them, but the new growth is very pale green and almost yellow. I also pruned the roots down to about the size of a baseball, removed all the soil and potted them in potting mix with added perlite. I'm pretty sure I haven't over watered them. They are near a small south facing basement window that doesn't supply very good light. Is this normal? Do they need more light? Also, I have 4 kinds of peppers and they are all the same pale color (serrano, carribean red, orange habs, and zavory which is a Burpee variety of mild hab). I have some pics to post but I can't find my cord to do so at the moment. Thanks for any advice!
This was my first year growing peppers and also my first try overwintering them. I pruned them back to bare stumps between 2 and 6 inches leaving no foliage at all about 6 weeks ago. Almost all of them have new growth on them, but the new growth is very pale green and almost yellow. I also pruned the roots down to about the size of a baseball, removed all the soil and potted them in potting mix with added perlite. I'm pretty sure I haven't over watered them. They are near a small south facing basement window that doesn't supply very good light. Is this normal? Do they need more light? Also, I have 4 kinds of peppers and they are all the same pale color (serrano, carribean red, orange habs, and zavory which is a Burpee variety of mild hab). I have some pics to post but I can't find my cord to do so at the moment. Thanks for any advice!