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overwintering Overwintering?

lol. I'm sure everyone does it differently. PIC 1's advice is sound.

If it helps, my plants stay in an east-facing window all winter. They get ~1/2 a day of diffused sun. I cut them back considerably more than you have (no leaves) and cut the root ball down to 1/5 to 1/10 of what they were outdoors (if they were potted). They then grow *very* slowly for three months (it sound like you have a similar climate to me, so I'm guessing it'll also be 2.5-3 months indoors).

I water sparingly and less frequently than outdoors, though am very cautious of the artificial heating in the house and that it can dry the soil quickly when it's colder outside.

In the last 2-3 weeks last year, I hit them with a very mild does of liquid seaweed (exactly as PIC 1 suggested using) and then transplanted them out in mid-March. I lost one of the seven I kept and the rest were fine.

Good luck in whatever regimen you decide on. I bet you'll save them if you can keep the aphids off.

I appreciate your answer and once again thanks a lot.
Since growing is not always 2+2=4 I'll have to with find best way for me.
I'll try to publish photos in future so we can learn together..