• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

P-Son's "mild to wild" Manscaping prohibited!!

After a couple nudging pm's it is time to get things rolling...well, get a list situated atleast. I won't be starting my seeds until March 1 this season. This list is subject to change, and I'm betting it will before I'm done typing. My two goals this season are 1.) Take less pics and better quality 2.)Sow later and achieve similar yields. My germination techniques and set up are not inspirational or extravagant so the bulk of my updates will be after early june plant out. Fert apllication and medium are changing a tiny bit but staying simple with it.

Big Jim
Giant Aconcagua
Goat's Weed
Jimmy Nardello
Mucho Nacho
Purple Pequin

Aji Cristal
Birgit's Locoto (growdown)
Yellow Bouquet


Brown Rocoto
Dino Pod
Rocoto Largo San Isidro
Turbo Pube
White Manzano

7 Pot Congo SR
7 Pot Primo Orange
7 Pot Primo Red
7 Pot Primo Yellow
7 Pot Red Brain
7 Pot Yellow
Armageddon F-2
Bahamian Goat
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon (overwinter)
Bode Roxa
Black Naga
Butch T (overwinter)
Carolina Reaper
Douglah (overwinter)
Giant Twisted Chocolate Habanero
Jay's Ghost Scorpion Red
Jay's Ghost Scorpion Peach
Not Black Naga Mean Red Spiky Cross
Not Infinity Yellow Cross
Peach Scorpion
Red FDA Scotch Bonnet
Spikes F-1
TFM Scotch Bonnet
Red Tree Hab

CAP 1144
CAP 1530 c.cardenasii
CGN 19198 c.sp
Cumari Parana
Cumari Verdareira
Huge Rocopica (pube x card)
Mata Frade

Now for the good stuff.... 70's style! These are some old and new pics of the pubes and wilds I have growing currently.

eximium and cardenasii


tovarii and galapagoense



c lanceolatum.... Holy Grail stuff!!! After 47 days I sowed my last couple seeds in a last ditch effort. 9 or 10 days later and this guy hooks. I'm over the moon...that is until I see the seed hull hanging on. Really?? So what do you do when only 1 sprouts out of your 7 seeds and it has a helmet head? Surgery ensued! I weaseled the pinhead sized casing off and everything looked nice and green but in a few hours it started looking rough. Fingers crossed for now. Excuse the cell phone picture here.




I want to be the 1st to congratulate you on the fine start..........you " Mild, Wild and Crazy" grower....

J, The stuff looks great !

Those plants are "Hair Banging" like the 80's...
Greg, thanks for the kind words,patience,friendship and lastly the bump! Pleasure having you aboard and I'm looking forward to the humorous mornings at work that I remember from last year. Hope I can keep impressing a legend like yourself.

Rocoto Largo San Isidro ... Contender for new favorite plant.


Double Douglah... This thing is dropping 30+ buds a day but some are taking now.

Young Douglah pod. My overwinters are only getting some window light so they aren't thriving,but they are alive and healthy so far.

ButchT overwinter should be a giant come august.
I haven't seen this many pubes since the 70s :). Beautiful, sharp pics and plants. You definitely have the quality side down. Best of luck to you this year.
You my friend have started your grow out with a bang. I may never post on my wanna be grow again :liar:

Beautiful pics and even more beautiful peppers. U got mad skillz :party:
Awe-inspiring start, I will enjoy reading & seeing your developments. Great macros you shoot with that Nikon Coolpix L810. Mucho success to you and da crop in 2013 mon!
Great pics! That double Douglah will be interesting to see as it grows. I really love pube plants and flowers, but after a couple years of no ripe pods I'm taking a little break from them. Good luck this season!
Incredible! Beautiful shots, well done p-son...

Hey Charles, thanks for checking in.

I haven't seen this many pubes since the 70s :). Beautiful, sharp pics and plants. You definitely have the quality side down. Best of luck to you this year.

Thanks for the compliments. Good luck with your season.

You my friend have started your grow out with a bang. I may never post on my wanna be grow again :liar:

Beautiful pics and even more beautiful peppers. U got mad skillz :party:

Thanks for the compliments brother!

Beautiful pics and plants. I cant wait to see what progresses from your grow. I am sure it will be epic

We will give it hell. If the weather cooperates things shoukd turn out OK.

Awe-inspiring start, I will enjoy reading & seeing your developments. Great macros you shoot with that Nikon Coolpix L810. Mucho success to you and da crop in 2013 mon!

I'm using the p510. It's basically a point and shoot with a large zoom. Next season I may make jump up to something fancy and take a class or two. Maybe even this summer!!! Thanks for stopping in sir.

Great pics! That double Douglah will be interesting to see as it grows. I really love pube plants and flowers, but after a couple years of no ripe pods I'm taking a little break from them. Good luck this season!

Hey mojo, I hope that flower doesn't abort but it probably will. I might plant a couple pubes in the woods and see how they fare.

Beautiful camera work and plants!

Thanks pepperproblem, I gotta check out your powder thread. You get through all 100 yet?
nice pics, The pubes were some of my favorites years back along with the cardenasii and eximiums which I still grow might just grow them just to refresh the seeds. would love to get my hands on a few fresh Galapagoense seeds.
That double douglah if it makes it will be a wild one to look at I bet. The Butch T is one large O.W. plant and should be a monster for you.
nice wilds

Thanks! I am pretty happy with how they germinated. Not the best percentages,but atleast one seedling from the ones I've sown so far. That is a victory!

Awesome start! That Butch T OW is gonna be monsterous!

I liked how it looked so I trimmed it up bigger. I didn't keep it alive for the flavor!!! Haha

nice pics, The pubes were some of my favorites years back along with the cardenasii and eximiums which I still grow might just grow them just to refresh the seeds. would love to get my hands on a few fresh Galapagoense seeds.
That double douglah if it makes it will be a wild one to look at I bet. The Butch T is one large O.W. plant and should be a monster for you.

I am just getting into the wild game and liking it! If I can get some ripe fruit this summer I will send you out seeds.
The throwback party has officially started...big hair and all! Pants off dance off ladies and gents! :dance: Great to see your starts and although there is no excuse for the cellphone pic...I think the rest made up for it! Wow...just wow on the pics man.
I had to poke my head in here to see the Prodigal One get buckwild! :dance:
John, have your Galapa's started to emit a funny odor yet? :high:
Great pics brother! I will be intently watchin your babies grow up!

If you're getting a lot of page hits...its just me coming back over and over to look at those freaking awesome pictures!