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Painting planters for peppers?

Does anyone know what a good way of painting some planters would be? I want to grow some plants for a friend, and my wife wants to paint the planters. We have acrylic paints already, so if there is some non-toxic waterproof seal, that would be ideal... but I'm open to suggestions.

My 9 year old daughter painted one for me 2 weeks ago. She used a water base paint. It rained for 4 days, so I'm back to a normal pot. Next time I'll have her use the baby seal blood. Or what about raccoon blood?
scarpetti said:
Next time I'll have her use the baby seal blood. Or what about raccoon blood?

:lol: Raccoon bloods a bit harsh on wood and it carries alot of diseases where as baby seals are usually disease free and bounce alot on impact. Raccoons just flail around.
Well, I think it's safe to say I know how you got to 10,000 posts IGG :P

So baby seal blood is definitely ok to grow peppers near? I know if you eat too much baby seal blubber you die...

If so...

Prime with Kilz H2o, then a good acrylic will do it...

Paint the outside only and repaint every few years...

Except Cedar, then paint will not hold and linseed oil is best...
Next in line said:
Your wife may be a nut. Dont paint the planter at all. No baby animals need to die.

:Quits clubbing seal:

:Looks around sheepishly:

:Continues clubbing seal:
Maybe you could try sealing the inside with bees wax or similar, surf board wax could even work.
Well, maybe planter is the wrong term... I just meant some pots. I don't care if they are terra cotta or plastic, I just don't want
a) the paint to wash off
b) the paint/sealer to contaminate the peppers
heh i'm using 2liters and some other bigger containers spraypainted on the outside, seems to be working well to block the light and its holding up well against the water.
If you have plastic pots Krylon makes a specific paint for plastic. Otherwise when I paint milk cans etc for the yard I use whatever paint is handy and cleans up with water. I suppose they could be covered with polyurethane if you wanted permanent but for my purposes repainting every few years is no problem.
You guys need to pick up some hand made ceramic planters. Since I also make ceramics, I just make my own and can paint / glaze them any way I like. I have yet to sell any, but a few friends I've made them for said they would gladly pay up to $50 a piece for the larger ones 10" or bigger. I'm gonna make a few that have pictures of the type of peepers i'm gonna plant in them pretty soon. I may even do a hotpper.com one with a picture of a flaming peeper on the side!
Hmmm... interesting concept...

That sounds similar to what we were planning on doing, with pictures of the pepper and some sort of heat scale :)