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This pepper was sent to us by our friend and chilihead Mich. He said one of his friends received the seeds from Pakistan and asked if we like to try them, when we he sent the seeds he had them marked as C. Unknown because he didn’t know which variety they belonged to, after we test planted them and harvested several pods from different growing stages we are certain that this is C.Annuum Pakistani variety. Well let us tell you something about this pepper, this is the most doll tasteless pepper we ever tried , the pod reflects the harshness of Pakistani atmosphere and climate dry bitter taste without ANY hit of sweetness or C.Annuum flavor, it is very hot but without any flavor, we tried using this pepper in all forms and ways it just doesn’t have any pleasing taste at all, all this was until we left some red pods on the plant to dry and grinded them into powders, and them OMG the powder tastes very very good and all the negative perception we had about this variety was vanished, so this pepper can only be used for making powders, when it is dry it tastes like sun dried crushed tomatoes, we think all the dry, bitter, tasteless flesh turns into tomatoes like acidic flavor, more about this plant it is short stocky and firm, furthermore than plant doesn’t require any kind of attention or care it will just grow any where with minimum water and no fertilizer, that’s not all the plant is the most productive C.Annuum we ever seen, I mean there is more pods than leafs on this short plant, which makes it perfect for beginner growers and container growing habit. If you are looking for a very low maintenance easy growing, prolific plant to make your own powders this is the one you need to try. The pod starts from dark green and turns to bight red . What is more amazing about this Pakistani pepper is that pods will not rotten if left on the plant for months instead they will just dry stay clean and become ready to crush into powders. So plant it and forget about it..


That's what I need. lol. I can save money running the dehydrator. :) Just leave them on the plant to dry. Very interesting profile. They sound somewhat like pequins, but much larger. What heat level would you estimate in SHU?

That's what I need. lol. I can save money running the dehydrator. :) Just leave them on the plant to dry. Very interesting profile. They sound somewhat like pequins, but much larger. What heat level would you estimate in SHU?

hey chris i cant tell how hot it can be but i can say very close to TABASCO pepper dont try it green or fresh it must be used for powders only
Give chris some apple wood hickory and any pepper in the world and he wil make it into the tastiest pepper powder ever.

Awesome review of your pepper Judy

May have to buy some powder. Is it for sale?
Give chris some apple wood hickory and any pepper in the world and he wil make it into the tastiest pepper powder ever.

Awesome review of your pepper Judy

May have to buy some powder. Is it for sale?
thanks my friend

yes we have it posted on the webite

Cool. Thanks. I LOVE tobasco powder. It's got an awesome taste IMO. Some don't enjoy it, but I'm addicted to it.


i will send you some seeds to try if you have enough room in your list
Judy, this is a pepper I do not have to ask you about.. because you explained it so well!
Very informative and helpful. Thank You.
Judy, I got the seeds/powder today. I must say I am VERY impressed by the Pakistani pepper powder. I will surely grow this next year in decent scale to produce powder. It was exactly what I like. Real nice heat and good flavor as you reported. Thanks so much.

nice review Judy and if it taste like Tabasco, I may have to try them...