Paper Lantern dropping leaves!

Hi, I'm pretty new at the whole growing peppers world and I apologise if there is information already around. I have a few plants that were started in december and have been doing really well, they were bushy healthy looking plants but recently I've noticed that my paper lantern has started to drop some if it leaves! They were recently potted into their final pots as they had vigorous roots that were growing very well and I'm not too sure whats gone wrong. Hopefully some of you may be able to see problems that I cant. They are being fed with seaweed supplements once a week and water in between that. I have noticed that my Peri-Peri is now starting to display some of the same problems and thats currently very bushy so it would be a shame if that followed in the same footsteps as the Paper Lantern so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Leaf drop is common and I wouldn't really worry about it too much. Have a look at the new growth - if this looks good then don't worry about the older leaves dropping. Sometimes older leaves at the bottom of the plant drop when they are shaded by the newer growth above. Also, you may lose a couple due to transplant shock. But as long as the new growth looks health then it's all good.
What kind of lighting do you have on them?  Are leaves dropping from particular location, such as the lower leaves?
CaneDog said:
What kind of lighting do you have on them?  Are leaves dropping from particular location, such as the lower leaves?
Hi, I have them under 4 bulb 2 ft MaxiBright Lightwave 96w the leaves are mainly from the bottom to half way up the plant. the top leaves look happy and healthy, but just really worried that it ends up loosing all of the leaves! 
I'm inclined to go along with what Siv said.  T5 lighting will drop off reasonably rapidly in intensity as it becomes increasingly distant, so once the plants get sufficiently tall the the leaves on the mid to lower points that are farther from the bulbs (and also shaded) may tend to drop off.  I don't see anything in the pictures to be concerned over and once you get them outside and they've transitioned to the natural sunlight you'll likely see less off this.
Good luck with them.  Those varieties should be great producers and give you lots of pods.
CaneDog said:
I'm inclined to go along with what Siv said.  T5 lighting will drop off reasonably rapidly in intensity as it becomes increasingly distant, so once the plants get sufficiently tall the the leaves on the mid to lower points that are farther from the bulbs (and also shaded) may tend to drop off.  I don't see anything in the pictures to be concerned over and once you get them outside and they've transitioned to the natural sunlight you'll likely see less off this.
Good luck with them.  Those varieties should be great producers and give you lots of pods.
Thanks for the help! Relieved that they should be fine and hope to have an abundant harvest from them. I've got a few other variety's that are all looking very happy and already have a lot of flowers coming through. Thanks again!