Paper Lanterns

I just ate a Paper Lantern, it was hot but I'm rather disappointed. The heat wasn't as intense as I had expected.

The burn hit when I swallowed the pepper and again when I swallowed some saliva, it dies away pretty quick though.

I was expecting more. :(
Novacastrian said:
What was the flavour like? Bland?

It was a little bland, the heat was similar to my orange habs. Nothing stood out as anything special, The Fatalii I chopped up for my pizza was heaps better.
I had always wondered what the paper lantern was like. They do not sell them around here and I do not have any seeds of the lantern. I can't think of his name but a memeber on here claims them to be his favorite.
I grew the Paper Lantern this past season and felt the same way you did. It just wasn't what I expected. Not terrible but nothing you would be recommending people to grow.
I've grown paper lanterns for several years now, and they are kinda like a habanero lite, nothing special in the flavor really, and not as hot as the average habanero... it is a fairly productive plant with a good crop of them on a bush...

apple pie
I have a few plants on the grow now. I'm waiting on a few pods and hoping that they'll ripen up. I'm not holding my breath though because they're just under standard 4' fluro's.

When people say that they have heat comparable to an orange hab, what's the flavor like? Hopefully not the same as an orange hab because I don't really care for that.

EDIT: According to Neil's review from THC, they're 'sweet and fruity'. I guess I'll just have to wait and find out for myself
I'm in the same boat as you Blister. I started a couple of paper lanterns along with a few other "new" varietys trying to find ones with the best flavor. I didn't care for the orange habs much. This season is different for me, as I'm trying a bunch of new varietys and any that don't taste good are gone. I've already disposed of a few that were not making the cut. So I guess I'll have to play wait and see with the paper lanterns, these other posts are not too encouraging though....
i find the paper lantern alright. they produce a lot but are milder in taste and heat than most hab varieties. I still enjoy using them with cooking if I'm not looking for overwhelming heat but still want some of that hab flavour added in. This year I'll be starting the mustard hab which I hope will bring the heat a bit more than the paper lantern.
I had the Paper Lantern this year and liked the taste very much. But I won't plant it again in 2010, the lack of heat was quite disappointing for me and there are other varieties with a similar flavour but much more heat.
I was lucky enough to have one of my paper lantern plants produce ripe pods so I gave it a shot yesterday. I ate half a pod without so much as a flinch. It was warm, but like LV I found the heat to be rather disappointing. It tastes a lot like a mild orange habanero as well. I tossed a few of the plants that were struggling and will probably give the other one away to a pepper head that actually likes the hab flavor. I won't be growing them again.
I grew them last year...nothing stood out to me. I am not growing them this year. Ill just stick with the orange hab. Pretty much the same in my book....