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Paper Pot Maker

Anybody try these? Comments, observations, tips?

Pot Maker Linky

I can make my own pot maker, have a home shop with lathes etc., I could crank one out fairly quickly. Would making a pot out of newsprint be a problem? Or would another type of paper be better?
Newsprint is fine, as long as it's black and white pages. (Don't use the color comics, for instance). Don't use magazines or glossy advertisements either.

I work at a newspaper and have an endless supply. I wish I would've known about that tool this season, even though $12 is a tad steep for such a simple tool, IMO.

Also, depending on what size town you're in, you can ask your local paper for an "end roll." (Be sure to ask for the production department, or the back shop, or the press manager). That would have zero ink on it. An end roll is what's left toward the end of a roll that's too risky to keep running the presses because there's so little newsprint left. We usually donate our end rolls to schools and such for elementary students to draw on and stuff. One end roll should supply about 5-10 years worth of pots.
Would a spray of antifungal take care of the mold?
Just on the pots, not the plants...........