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Parick's SBJ7

Vince. The leaves on yours are similar. Sure it will grow true. They grow hecka fast. Ten days ago it was only taking 1/3 if the grow area. Now more than half. All width and no height do far


Romy. Btw. I got mine from yours. Any idea f1 or 2?!
They sure do and I love that shape. The top left is my second favorite shape. I'll keep an eye for plants that produce pods that look like the top left for you. There were some other very interesting shapes people posted in this thread too! I'm rather excited to see what people select from this hybrid.

Edit: Those are all from the same plant. The other plant I had produced junky pods, hehe.

That is very kind of you. If you're successful growing the other shape to stability you'll have to think of a name for it.

Holy cow KD! Look at those beauts! Look at the stalk! Couple more weeks and you'll be able to climb those! Wow! Most exclamation points I think I've ever used. One of these days I have to try this hydro thing.
That is very kind of you. If you're successful growing the other shape to stability you'll have to think of a name for it.

Just returning kindness. I'm also happy to be involved working on a new breed. Yeah, I'll pm you about the name (wouldn't mind your opinion) when it gets stable. If I get the selection I'm seeking, I'll be giving out seeds via sabse :) . Not gonna charge anyone. If people start charging for any breeds we come up with, we can undercut them by giving them out for free.
Just returning kindness. I'm also happy to be involved working on a new breed. Yeah, I'll pm you about the name (wouldn't mind your opinion) when it gets stable. If I get the selection I'm seeking, I'll be giving out seeds via sabse :) . Not gonna charge anyone. If people start charging for any breeds we come up with, we can undercut them by giving them out for free.

Sounds good to me. Not sure how much of my help you want naming it, I mean how clever was I with "SB7J"? When they first popped up they reminded me of the grass huts on the old TV show Gilligan's Aisle. Grass Hut pepper. Yeah that's a great name--not!
King, those would be f2 i believe. Patrick sent me some from his f1 pods last year. I did not isolate them though so I prey they grow true for ya and everyone else that recieved seeds from me. :pray: They are looking very stellar though Denniz. Would be cool if they crossed with one of my brains . SBJ7B7? :stop: :crazy:
verry nice king mine havent germinated :tear: i dont know if i done something wrong all others are up and running exept the sb7j :mope: oh well keep chekin em for now, i think its cuz i was braggin when i got em
pepperhot don't blame yourself. The last round of these seeds I sent out are experiencing a poor rate of germination. They are from the original plant that grew in 2010. I kept them stored in a cool, dry place in a vial with no air. I haven't had a lot of luck getting them to germinate myself. Sorry about that. Hopefully some of the people growing it will be successful and share seeds. I do have a couple of F1 and F2 plants currently growing and will try to isolate a few pods.

Best of luck to all.
Patrick the ones that you sent to me, I've had either 100% or 50% germination with. I put them in a container with multiple rapid rooters. One germinated quickly the second didn't. The container at one point got bumped and the rooters got knocked over. I had a seed sprout about a week later so I'd assume it was the second sb7j I put in because the rest of the seeds seemed like they were duds.
The first seeds I put in the ground didn't garminate at all (F1 isolated), but second round was 100% garmination (F1 nonisolated and some F2)... Looking healthy and starting to grow first set of true leaves...
It's really a hit and miss thing with these seeds. Hopefully I'll have some more that will germinate at a better rate at the end of this season. I'll be happy to share them. Check my glog this fall to keep updated.

KG good to hear your making progress. Continued good luck.
Been following this thread for a while, wiping the drool off my keyboard. Those pods look absolutely awesome! I don't suppose anybody has a few spare seeds they wouldn't mind sending across the pond? SB7J for global domination :P