beer Passow Brews: Belgian Special Dark

Well, I've got the supplies, my yeast starter is going strong in the basement (fornicating away...good little guys). This so far has been the most expensive all grain brew to date (and most ambitous) totalling in at over $70 :shocked: . I've stopped publishing my recipies but to give you an idea, I'll be using 16 pounds of grain, a half a pound of dark dry malt extract (only because I have it laying around) and two pounds of Belgian Dark Candi Sugar.

90 minute mash @ 145F, 90 minute boil, ferment at 67F for a day or two then bring it up to 70F for two weeks, then let it drop down to 65F, rack it into a secondary and let sit for another two weeks, bottle and let age. Pics to come tomarrow or the next day (I'll be brewing this tomarrow).

IF everything goes according to plan, I'm going to have a starting gravity of around 1.100 and a finishing abv of 10%+.
Be happy it's raining. Woke up to smelling smoke from all the fires coming from L.A. this am. Looking forward to the pics of the brewhaha.

Salute', TB.
Well, the brew day went perfect. Sparging took 40 minutes and I got the perfect OG (a little higher than expected) of 1.090. The blow off tube is starting to bubble, I'm happy. I snagged three pics for everyone here to view which I'll post tomarrow.
Novacastrian said:
Yay! Tomarrow is the NEW tomorrow!

How long do you plan to age this in the bottles iggy?

Not sure, it'll be in fermentors for about 4 weeks and then in bottles for maybe 6 months depending on how they are tasting along the way.

Pics coming in a few hours.
Here's some pics. This one is of the brew set up in the garadge (sparging away) because it was raining outside. I wasd nice, dry, and quite tosty (that burner throws out alot of heat):

Two pounds of Dark Belgian Candi Sugar awaiting their bath in wort:

My crappy harvest of crappy Sunbeam hops (threw these in at 8 minutes for some extra aroma).
I meant to tell you, never use the garden hose for beer water.

Too much lead!

Not that you are.

Sounds like one hell of a beer!

Are you kegging yet?

Just bottled 2 batches saturday.....PHUCK THAT.

Never again.

I have harvested 30 or so cones from cascade. I will get another 90.

I will also have a dozen or so willamette and magnum.
texas blues said:
Nice Jon. What yeast did you opt to go with? 10% is gettin' up there.

Salute', TB.
WLP500 Trappist Ale Yeast.

Pepperfreak said:
Woot! Time to go to cleveland and get drunk on home brew :lol:
I keep inviting you... :lol:

Novacastrian said:
That candi sugar looks sensational!

It tastes fantastic too!!!!! Gets me reeeeeaaaallllyyyy hyper really fast.
cheezydemon said:
Speaking of candi sugar, that shite is pricey. I recommend making your own or not even bothering with it.

Ya, it's cheap and easy to make your own...but....I had a bunch already. I had received 5 pounds of the stuff from a brewmaster I know for free and I used 4 pounds of it in my Imperial Pumpkin ale a year ago leaving me with a pound of it just laying around.

Then comes this brew so all I really did was pay $4.50-ish for a pound of it and boom, done. It was easier to buy it this time than make it only because I need just a pound.
Right on! Can't beat free!

I am itching to make my first harvest ale.

I plan to do 2.

My first will involve the browner hops hit by the mites. I was going to pitch them, but they smell so good, and are dripping with lupulin yellow powder.

I figure 3 lbs pale dme, 1/4 lb dark munich malt, brown hops and some yeast is little to risk to see if they are any good.